In this thread, several people say no one should be forced to participate in flag stuff.
I don't see where the article mentions him being forced to do anything. He is suing for harassment.
Am I missing something?
conn. firefighter who is jehovah's witness files federal discrimination lawsuit.
In this thread, several people say no one should be forced to participate in flag stuff.
I don't see where the article mentions him being forced to do anything. He is suing for harassment.
Am I missing something?
i read here regularly and although i haven't joined in, i really appreciate all the wonderful contributions from those who are willing to share their experiences.... .
i was a convert.
i won't go into the whole history ( perhaps another day) - my story could easily be recognised in the small town where i live, with my husband.. so, we stopped going to the meetings around a period of time when we were going through severe emotional difficulties - at that point, we needed unconditional family love - the hectic, forced jw dinner parties and social occasions gave no real comfort.
greetings from redding calif. my name is bill covert.
i am one of those viet nam war felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from ny, so i have been around for a while.
i am the writer of the letters mentioned in the human apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
How do you know the 'human apostate' was referring to you?
Apologies if I'm misunderstanding. The only quote I can find is: "apostates may use smooth talk on the internet, on television or through letters to loyal witnesses of Jehovah". This doesn't refer to any individual though.
i read here regularly and although i haven't joined in, i really appreciate all the wonderful contributions from those who are willing to share their experiences.... .
i was a convert.
i won't go into the whole history ( perhaps another day) - my story could easily be recognised in the small town where i live, with my husband.. so, we stopped going to the meetings around a period of time when we were going through severe emotional difficulties - at that point, we needed unconditional family love - the hectic, forced jw dinner parties and social occasions gave no real comfort.
These are mean people who suck at being human beings.
Have you thought of trying Are there any clubs or "senior centers" near you that you could join? Even if you don't make lifelong, deep friendships, at least you will pass the time doing something positive and having a social life.
red cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
wt dec 1, 1934 page 363 par 34: .
'...the conspirators posted men at vantage points.
where the evidence they needed might he procured..
Watchtower November 15, 1963 p.688 Execution of Divine Judgment upon False Religion
3 Can there be false religion? It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and to show that another religion is false. It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life 1968 p.13 Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion
Jesus reproved those persons who claimed to serve God but who relied heavily on the traditions of men in preference to God's Word. He applied to them God's own words from Isaiah 29:13, saying: "It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines." (Matthew 15:9) Since we do not want our worship to be in vain, it is important for each one of us to examine his religion.
5 We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God's Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn what God's will is for us, and then to do it.-John 8:32.
to funny nice job....
That looks like a clip from Cops with a psychotic person disturbing the peace.
The rambling made no sense and IMO had little hope of convincing anyone to rethink anything. Just disturbing the peace.
greetings from redding calif. my name is bill covert.
i am one of those viet nam war felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from ny, so i have been around for a while.
i am the writer of the letters mentioned in the human apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
I am the writer of the letters mentioned in the Human Apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
I have taped panties to the church when Carol came through for a visit saying she left Ray as he was a homosexual
I raised a stink about a elder sticking his tongue down the throat of a 13 year old girl
he son-in-law had a restraining order placed on him for assulting a elder in the Kingdom Hall, he licked him.
the only apostate who breached the WBTS walls of shunning
red cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
Viviane, thank you on behalf of those of us whose lives have been saved by blood products.
snugglebunny, what country are you in that prohibits you donating because you got a transfusion? In the US, you typically need to wait only 1 year.
a few people from my jw past recently friended me on facebook and i accepted.
it was all good and we sent a few catching-up messages back and forth.
then i started seeing their newsfeed posts and it was just a bunch of memorial invite spam and nature photos with smug comments on how the chosen ones had paradise to look forward to.
Refriend everybody, unblock your mother.
Then make your fb page a sea of rainbows and links.