Mystery Letters of "Human Apostate" talk 2013 summer convention and its connection to Lev.5:1

by Bill Covert 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Greetings from Redding Calif. My name is Bill Covert. I am one of those Viet Nam War felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from NY, so I have been around for a while. I am the writer of the letters mentioned in the Human Apostate talk of the 2013 conventions. The letters refered to started going to the publishers in 2004, for the purpose of being able to penatrate the WBTS 'wall of silence' enforced with shunning policy, my handle was "Rabshakeh the village Apostate. I am very effective in what I do as I target the internal 'grapevine'. The elders have created an enviornment that the 'grapevine' is interested because they 'lord it over' the grapevine so the drama created is a soap opera, because no one is supposed to read my letters than the elders don't know who gets the letters. The letters are a mental chess game between myself and the WBTS Service Dept. of which I have been very succesful at pulling their chain causing them to sanction elders in such a way they think that the publishers don't know what is going on. I also get information passed on to my family. Yet my letter writing started in 1989, Barbara Anderson asked me if per chance I was that man in Northern Calif. who wrote the most offensive letters of any one in the USA during her time in Bethel, to which I said Bingo.

    Every one of those letters was based on Lev.5:1 and its relationship to 4 court cases;1 a $4,250,000 unregistered securties swindle of a widow, 2 the theft of a deed of trust of another widow, 3 embezzlement, 4 a judgment and a bankruptcy of a attorney who was a JW.

    When the new RNWT was released I contacted a couple of diffrent web sites to see if they would be interested in the Lev.5:1 story. Barbara Anderson was interested to see what I had. It took several weeks of back and forth for her to see what I was talking about, to where she said "I see what you have been saying all along".

    Please open your new RNWT to Lev.5:1. It reads "If someone sins because he has heard a public call to testify and he is a witness or has seen or learned about it and he does not report it, than he must answer for his error". Footnote "Or a soul, A voice of a curse [oath]. Probably an announcement regarding a wrongdoing that included a curse pronounced against a wrongdoer or against the witness in case he failed to testify". This is a very major revision of which the WBTS has NOT said one peep as to why the change and that no one in the land of the apostates has picked up upon that it exposes the WBTS policy of brothers informing their brothers as a apostacy in its purist form!

    I first learned the truth about Lev.5:1 I think in !967, they had a Bible drama centered around the Jewish judicial system, it was the most interesting Bible darma they ever did in my opinion. In the Jewish system there was no court house building, all criminal, civil legal activities were conducted in the 'public place', the market place at the city gate, Amos 5:24, 2Ch19:6,and Ruth 4:1. The WBTS used to cite a scripture at the bottom of a Wt page and do a commentary on it, one time it was Lev.5:1. The reasoning was that because it was "public cursing" it was no privite sin, as every one in the public place were witness to the cursing. I sent Barbara looking for that quote, she came back saying it was not there in any of the bound volumes 1966-1970, which jogged my memory that I tried several years ago and could not find it. BUT it is there, somewhere in a WT between those years of which could be located by someone with the binders of individual Wt's.It was removed when that WT was made into the bound volume, thus a deception being made. The second place I learned about the truth of Lev.5:1 was in the Sept.1 1987 Wt article "A Time to Speak When?" This is about a sister who is now my Aunt Sharon Garig, a nurse in Oakland Ca. who spotted a sisters name on hospital schedule for a abortion, of which she informed her elders, they failed to persuade the sister to forgo the abortion and my Aunt got 'black balled' out of the medical field for revealing confidential information. Barbara Anderson located a LA times article Aug.29 1987 by John Dart "Witnesses urge faithful to break ethics codes".

    VERY CARE FULLY READ THE WBTS COMMENTARY on Lev.5:1! as it is the ONLY commentary on this verse. "Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or he has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his errors." This public cursing was not prophanity or blasphemy. Rather it often occured when someone who had been wronged demanded that any potentional witness help him get justice, while calling curses-likely from Jehovah- on the one perhaps not yet identified, who had wronged him. It was a form of putting others under oath. Any witness of the wrong would know who had suffered an injustice and would have a responsibility to come foward to establish guilt. Otherwise they would have 'answer for their error' to Jehovah".

    Notice there IS NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COMMENTARY AND THE APPLICATION! For those wanting to catch the WBTS in a outright deception that is provable here it is. THERE IS ABSOLUTLY NO BIBLE basis for the WBTS 'Gestapo' policy of having brothers inform on their brothers, this is a DECEPTION. Now Google 'commentary on Lev.5:1 highlight the "Bible Hub" site scroll down to "Gills Exposition of the entire Bible" note "voice of a magistrate" or "of a neighbor" doing the calling out for someone to come foward with testimony to the matter that is being brought before the Jewish court system. Gills commentary gives credence to the WBTS rendering of Lev.5:1 in NWT AND their commentary in the "A Time to Speak When" article. SO the man doing the public cursing is a 'neighbor' or individual in the community calling for a witness to come foward and establish his case before a judicial court that is in session. There is NO sin on the part of the man doing the cursing, the sinner is the WITNESS who does not come foward with testimony!!!! Read the entire Bible Hub cross refrences and commentaries and you will learn that Lev.5:1 is a court in session setting. Note the connection of "oath" in RNWT footnote to Matt.26:63.

    Now go back and read Lev.5:1 RNWT, you will see it in a whole new light, of which the workmanship on rendering Lev.5:1 to be state of the art in their rendition. Yet they they cannot brage on it for fear of letting the cat out of the bag that their policy of informants is APOSTACY in its purist form! The fruitage of that apostacy was high lighted by the recent suicide in Margate where a wife had to inform the elders that her husband had dirty pictures on computer. There is no Bible instructions for a wife to inform ANYONE about about their privite lives. This is just a wicked and evil policy instituted by a wicked and evil church!

    There is a secondary verse in my letters 1Pet.2:14-16, the "governor" is the modern day court system per a Wt. several years ago. We are awaiting the Candace Conti rulling of which according to Peter all Christians have to accept that decision as comming directly from the Lord as establishing right and wrong so as to "muzzle the talk of unreasonable men".

    As I said it took Barbara several weeks for the lights to come on as to the importance of Lev.5:1 in its ability to remove WBTS creditability that their policies are nothing more than cheap deceptions. So can you to see the real new light of the RNWT?

    Remember the tale of "The Emperors New Clothes"? Well those two shysters came to Redding in about 1985, Raymond C. Dale from the San Diego area and Glenn Colombo from Santa Cruz in the form of "Dale and Colombo Financial Planners Inc" . Ray Dale had a 20+ year career inside the JW church swindling widows and the elderly. He acheived that longevity by tucking his tail between his legs and running out of town when about to have to answer for his actions but mainly he was a expert in corrupting traveling men through the sin of 'simony' 1Pet.5:2 'dishonest gain' per Wt article probably during the early 1980's AND Ray was a expert of paying 'bribes' to grease the palms of CO's and DO's Isa.1:23. Ray was the go to guy for the traveling men when they needed money, hence he had all the prestigious positions, could do what ever he wanted to who ever he wanted with out interfearance from a CO or DO [ with one exception the Texan Wendall StClair, Wendall had no use for Ray or Billy Ford the CO who installed Ray into positions of authority for the price of 'simony'] . The financial products Ray and Glenn sold were unregistered securties of which they authored Shasta County Superior Court case #109555 a $4.250,000 fraud. A major player in that swindle was a attorney Leonard Schappert also a JW who did the legal work for the unregistered securties. Matt.18;16,17 were made a farce of being perverted by Ray Dale and elders of West Enterprise Cong. Redding for the reason that some of them were investors in another of Ray's get rich quick schemes. So when the 'briliant' "servant on a horse" Eccl.10:7 on the Northern Calif. service desk had Ray Dale and investors investigate why the Shasta County District Attorneys office came a calling, why the SEC raided Ray's office and why the Calif. Dept. of Corporations were investigating Ray's swindle the WBTS got one of the cruel deception put over on them. Remember in the Gonzalo Campos case, Campos skated for a couple of years because he as the secretary got the mail hence could deceive the service dept. So the service dept had the fox investigate why there were dead chickens in the hen house.

    Now Lev.5:1. I get a visit from the Shasta County District office, I tell my elders in South Redding Cong. these guys are terrified of 'wolf packs' of Acts20:29, 30, they say not their problem. I get a letter from DA's office stating they turned the matter over to the SEC [ the unregistered securties came under state authority] The elders said "we don't care if there is a scandal the WBTS made their bede they can sleep in it" they flat out refused to foward the DA's letter to Service Dept. So I said according to Lev.5:1 they are required to foward that letter, they said it is WBTS problem, I called them a coward, they "marked me as a Apostate'. A few months later a letter from Calif. Dept of Corporations same thing the WBTS made their bed they can lay in it, again I call them cowards. I call a meeting of entire elder body, same thing Lev.5:1 does not apply, I call them cowards, they start to attack my wife that I am a apostate. So here you have an entire elder body deceiving the church as some are investors the others are terrified of a 'wolf' who bears his fangs. And you have an entire elder body refusing to honor the instructions of Lev.5:1.

    So I am talking to Barbara Anderson as to how the Service Dept can screw up up something so simple so badly Eccl.10:5,6. She says easy to understand two words, Merton Campbell. Google him and come up with James Henderson the pedophile 25 miles down the road in Red Bluff. Campbell let him skate on 5 occasions for sodomy issues.When that hit the Red Bluff paper I phoned the lady lawyer Norris out of Ft. Worth Tex about another molestation. So evidently Brooklyn did not like me calling Merton a "servent on a horse" Solomons way of making the term 'a fucking idiot politically correct, I called him and his bosses everything but a christian, hence my reputation Barbara heard about while she was in Bethel. Yes Indeed I had the 'spirit of the ruler against me' Eccl.10:4 to the point when the wife pulled out of the marriage because I was a threat to her spiritutality in May of 2004 the NY kept a dirty secret of Shasta County Superior Court case #149893 where Ray and Carol Dale were swindling another widow out of a deed of trust dated October 2003- March 2004. My wife left the marriage two months after the case #149893 was settled, had the church been up front about Ray's swindling another widow I would of bee vindicated and family would still be together. Ray and Carol [Carol was a good lady] were unceremoniously thrown out of the church and the people told they left on their own volition with a bad attitude.

    Remember the PBS News Hr. story how the letter of recomendation got screwed up on Jonathan Kendrick. Well the letter of recomendation on Ray Dale when he humilated himsel;f by campaigning for president of Chamber of Commerce in a shopping flyer and tucked his tail between his leg and moved to Del Mar area, that letter was a blatant deception.

    My disfellowshipment in 2004 the head elder on the appeals thought I was talking about the court case #149893 and let the cat out of the bag as to the widow Brenda Becker, when I said I was talking about court case #109555 he quickly tried to put the cat back into the bag. It wasn't until 2007 when a thought went through my mind to hire a privite investigator who uncovered court case #149893, revealing the dates of that case being settled two months before the wife left. NOW comes the real power of my letter writting hammering on Lev.5:1. Like Martin Luther I taped court case #149893 to the church doors, five days later the main elder of South Redding Cong. who said the church could go fuck itself as he refused to foward letters of criminal investigation to NY was dead with a heart attack! The irony was that it was my #5 son on the fire truck that did CPR on the coward all the way to the hospital. AND it is that exact thing I can duplicate many times over when it comes time for the cowardly elders to "answer for their errors" per Lev.5:1. And that is the heart of those letters refered to in the Human apostate talk. So these letters are the most brutal mental contest this church has probably ever encountered as it is the hearts of cowardly elders that is the battle ground. For the WBTS cannot control the stress being put on the heart of a elder with a guilty conscience because he refused to warn the WBTS about a truly wicked and evil corruptor Ray Dale because they were terrified of penis breath of a wolf of Acts 20!

    I have been turned in to the US Postal Inspector for mailing threats of which he read closely [ interesting he said these types of letters are not that uncommon] he found no threats, was aware of WBTS homewrecking, wished me well said to be care full.

    I have been turned in to the Police, it did not take them long to realize the situtation as they were aware of WBTS shunning and homewrecking.

    I have taped panties to the church when Carol came through for a visit saying she left Ray as he was a homosexual. So the WBTS sells the Word Of God to a ---- sucker and they wreck the home of the only person willing to stand up against a "wolf pack" Acts 20.

    All my letters are fowarded to NY and read for threat. I have been very succesful at pulling the chains of the service dept. to move them to chastise elders where they do it in such a way they think the 'grapevine' won't know that Rabshakeh is in the background pulling their chain. I had one PO removed from position for evicting a single mother from her rental house so he could move in for the reason his rental was turned into a city park and he got $6,000.00 relocation money and her cheap rental.

    I had another PO removed from his position for keeping secret that his son-in-law had a gun shoved down his throat in Mexico as he was trying to cheat his business partner out of his half of their business, he was given the choice of buying him out or be buried in the Mexican desert. Seem he developed a sever case of post traumatic stress syndrom, of which the deception was made that something he remembered as a child. So we have a Redding Mexican Family arranging for the Mexican branch of the family substitute for church elders in setteling a business dispute. Oh the son-in-law had a restraining order placed on him for assulting a elder in the Kingdom Hall, he licked him.

    I had a elder removed for heating his meat on a nudist beach.

    I raised a stink about a elder sticking his tongue down the throat of a 13 year old girl he had in his privite car to hear her telling of being molested by another church member.

    There was a high placed JW in City of Redding who warned NY about the problems of court case #109555 the unregestered securties. Yet the Service Dept had Elmer Woodley lie that the city official recanted his letter. The official told me he stood behind his letter but would not get involved with internal cong. disputes. He advised me to get a forensic audit of the swindle, which I did of which his name was included, it cost $3,800.

    There is even the account of a real angel pertaining to the Candace Conti case.

    Barbara was wanting to put the account on Watchtower Documents but it had to be shelved as there are more important issues demanding her time. She contributed some important research. She had me rewrite the story about 5 times to clean up my speech, to condence the story, yet at the expence of breaking the connections of tying in 25 years of mental chess with the church. To work with me is to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, so she had a challenge. So it was important to get the truth of Lev.5:1 unlocked especially as the news of the sucide and the impending Candace Conti decision. I hope some of you get the point of Lev.5:1. Being up front I will print out this thread and your comments and send them through the WBTS wall of silence to the Redding area JW 'grapevine' of which will be fowarded to NY, so don't say anything you do not want NY to read.

    Shalom Bill Covert aka Rabshakeh the only apostate who breached the WBTS walls of shunning

  • nicolaou

    Hi Bill and welcome to the forum.

    I've taken the time to read your post in full, it'll take some digesting. To say that you are motivated is an understatement, where does that come from? What's your motivation?

    I'm not the sort that gives a toss what any Bible verse has to say but I'll be fair and look at Lev' 5:1 again before I make a more considered reply.

    Nice to meet you Bill

  • smiddy

    Welcome Bill Covert,

    A very interesting and challenging first post Bill to say the least....With all due respect , seeing as you quote Barbara Anderson a number of times , I would like to hear her response to your allegations also , just to get a balanced view if you don`t mind

    Take care


  • Oogie
    So, Gerrit Losch is sinning according to Leviticus 5:1 by refusing to testify at the Jose Lopez / Gonzalo Campos' trial.
  • EdenOne

    Welcome to the forum. I'll await further developments on your story and Barbara's comments too.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Wow!!! Welcome Bill!! Short & sweet.

    You talk about pulling chains, but it sounds like your chain has been pulled forcefully at one time, so I'm sure many here will want to hear what has happened to you via the Org's machinations.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you!

  • wozza

    Welcome and thank you for your post ,interesting stuff but seems to be not a lot different from the corruption and intrigues I've seen here in Australia when I was in. Love to hear more.

  • rebel8
    Hi and welcome. I am glad you are fighting this dangerous cult.

    I am not sure I understand all you said--here are some follow up questions.

    I am the writer of the letters mentioned in the Human Apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.

    What does this refer to?

    I have taped panties to the church when Carol came through for a visit saying she left Ray as he was a homosexual

    I don't follow.

    I raised a stink about a elder sticking his tongue down the throat of a 13 year old girl

    This is illegal behavior--can you report it to the police? Pedos do not change; he's probably off doing this and worse to other little girls and little boys.

    he son-in-law had a restraining order placed on him for assulting a elder in the Kingdom Hall, he licked him.

    I don't follow.

    the only apostate who breached the WBTS walls of shunning

    I am not understanding, from your post, how you breached the shunning policy in a way that no one else ever has.

    Thanks. :)
  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Not being condescending but unless you actually take the time to reasearch out Lev.5:1 you will never be able to comprehened what is being said. I am no wordsmith, have no ability to "put silver apples into gold carvings" so I can be very hard to read and come across abrasive, so unless you can think conceptually you are going to have a hard time understanding, especially if you require someone to translate. I am a old truck mechanic that knows how things fit together with a vocabulary that makes Barbara cringe.

    As to personal cost the loss of wife,5 sons, their wives and I think 9 grandchildren. I pay $36,000 alimony a year. Over a 11 year period it has cost me close to 1/2 million.

    A real problem always has a solution. And Lev.5:1 is a solution to the problem as to who controls who's minds in Redding Ca. So what you are interested in is can I kill off elders who have guility consciences because they told the church to go fuck its self in that they refused to foward letters of criminal investigation of unregistered securties because they were afraid of the 'wolves' of Acts 20:29,30. Can I piss off and enrage the Govering Body to the point that when the elders who deceived the church because they were investors in the get rich quick schemes of Ray Dale have to "answer for their errors" that the stress will literally kill them. Can i rack up enough bodies in the obituary colume to where I can get a editor who knows my plight to have a reporter check out my paper trail that involves some very respected members of the community. In many Redding has its small town power structure. I am a well respected old time working man who works 24/7 repairing trucks on the Interstate, I can borrow anything from anyone, I do business on a hand shake and my word is counted on. I am active in the communtiy heading up fiddle jams for youth [ Redding at one time produced more Texas style fiddle champions than anywhere else in the nation] I know the editor through her husbands music society ofwhich he asked me to sit on Board of Directors, of which I passed on because of the load I carry with a fucking church. At creating a paper trail comprised of a forensic audit prepared by a city father of which a high ranking city official has his name in warning the WBTS as issues with the unregistered securties. A documentation of the church homewrecking put together by a retired RPD officer who became a family counslor and is a minister. Hiring a privite investigator who uncovered court case #149893 showing the church kept Ray's swindling another widow a dirty little secret in their homewrecking. Can I put this account in the media by litterly killing off the elders who stand between a father and his family!

    On this site my workmanship on Lev.5:1 will be put to the test, if I am full of shit there are those who will be glad to hand me my ass in my own hand. But there are those who have the smarts to see the new light on Lev.5:1. Then from that point what i am saying will make more sence. So it is going to be interesting to see if I am the one spoken of in Eccl.9:13-16. That whole section of Eccl.9:13- 10:7 is exactly the situtation existing here in Redding Ca.


  • flipper

    BILL- It's good that you are trying to expose the criminality of the WT organization in what you are doing. About " killing off elders who had guilty consciences " - I'm going to assume from your other words by " kill off " you mean to cause them enough stress where they will die of natural causes - correct ? It sounds as if you've been caused enough grief already by the WT organization and it's representatives as to NOT cause yourself more stress by actually physically murdering elders in the JW cult. Just let them die due to their own guilt and stress- right ?

    Here's the deal. We are all doing what we can to expose the criminality of the WT Society. You do it your way. I do it my way. Other people here do it their way. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. I appreciate that you think you might have the " keys to the kingdom " with the Leviticus 5 : 1 situation - that's fine- have at it . I wish you the best in exposing the WT Society. Personally I'm an agnostic who doesn't give a flying fu%k about anything the Bible says. I feel I can expose the WT Society by just revealing access to information to the public and ex-JW's and any lurking active JW's by revealing criminal conduct I come across through court documents, news media on the Internet, etc. It sounds like you are basically doing the same thing, just using the Bible to help prove your point. That's cool , whatever works.

    I'm sorry for the personal loss that you have suffered at the hands of dishonest elders. I myself have suffered loss as well . Adult JW children who still shun me and JW's who tried to wreck my life. But the best revenge we can get on the WT Society is having a happy life and successful life after exiting the JW cult. And yet- I'm one who agrees that in exposing the criminality of the WT Society we ALL help protect any potential victims of the unethical practices that the WT Society will try to pull over on people. So I wish you the best in your quest for justice. And go live a happy life which it sounds like you are with your fiddle jams and other activities./ I'm into playing music as well- it's healing to myself and others. Take care and stay safe

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