are you saying she is able to report preaching hours I join her at meeting??
Yes, it counts as a 'return visit' because she is re-witnessing to you. And she can count her time 'bringing' you there and any time she spends chatting about the meeting before and after.
I hate it and I'm sure everybody at the KH can tell
She gets bonus points for this, socially speaking. She is now both the pitiful Wife in a Divided Household and the faithful Wife Who Gets Her Unbelieving Husband to Attend Meetings Even Though He Doesn't Want to. Sympathy and admiration.
I personally know someone like you who went for years and finally gave in and joined. Witnesses know these stories--they pass them around all the time and are all undoubtedly believing your 'hard heart' is softening. Often they are unable to fathom how a person could be repeatedly exposed to their Special Truths w/o joining.