Posts by rebel8
Contrary to News Reports the ZEAL is Still There
by steve2 inzeal has always been a valued word in the jw arsenal.
even if you don't see it in your own local congregation, you keep hearing about it.
"zeal this" and "zeal that".
Simon, I would like to change my username to unzeal. -
Cart Witnessing - Thrilling! Productive! Epic!, well, not so much.....
by sir82 intalked with a pioneer recently, she was recounting her first experience with cart witnessing.. she brought the subject up, was going on & on & on & on about how wonderful the experience was, and how great, and how she enjoyed it so much, and it was so wonderful, and oh jehovah's blessing, and on and on and on...... a few questions to her revealed what really happened:.
-- a jw who owns a small restaurant in a strip mall allows jws to set up their cart outside his restaurant.
-- the restaurant is tucked pretty far out of the way, not prominent at all.
I would totally love to see one of these on Fremont St. in Vegas, right under the electric ceiling and next to the topless, morbidly obese, toothless woman who goes around being photographed with others.
The cart guards could take turns ziplining and dropping Awakes on the tourists.
Synthetic Blood in 2 Years? How Will the GB Shoot This Down?
by DarioKehl ininteresting read.
if they already allow "fractions," there's no way they can ban this..
It's made from stem cells. I think many dubs will stay away from it due to the cult's history with transplants.
Anyone here knew of a case where a sister or brother had Sickle Cell Anemia.
What was the out come?????
I remember one, being hospitalized and suffering a lot. I don't know if she eventually survived or what. She was in a nearby cong. People used to tell me about her, in the gist of, "You're not the only one with a dreaded disease treated with blood products, with Satanic healthcare professionals pressuring you to take blood. So put your big girl panties on and deal with it."At least that's how it sounded to me as a girl. -
The Confederate Flag
by Simon inthe latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
Thnx Dr,Who - the background is appreciated.
Thanks from me too. That flag's reputation as a symbol of the Confederacy is only a kernel of truth.
Changes for Volunteers at Conventions and Assemblies in Spain
by RayPublisher insomeone sent me this from jwtalk.
a guy on there just posted this regarding changes to the way the jws volunteer at conventions in spain and the changes seem fairly major:.
we had a special meeting today called a training session for volunteers.
In Spain, does the legal system have liability lawsuits for injuries?
I can understand not having volunteers up on high ladders or providing medical care, but cleaning? Seems like there's little risk to mopping or wiping chairs off.
I disfellowshipped my parents this week..
by fulano ini just wrote them a mail, telling them to not contact me any more under any circumstances, illness or death (79 and 83 years old).
unless they leave the cult and would apologize for our f*'.ed-up upbringing which ruined our whole life.
I don't know your reasoning, but I do wish you peace and closure.
100th post writer's block.
by cappytan inso i've been trying to decide what to post as my 100th topic.
i decided on posting something simple.. so, i'm ready to branch out in my social media relationships.
i have deleted all of my jw friends on facebook.
Milestones are important.
Especially to those of us who were not allowed to observe milestones. :D
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
I find these giant fraud stories fascinating--those who fake cancer to get $, etc. It's so fascinating it can even happen in the Information Age.
This case is so blatant, worse than Catch Me if You Can.
Anonymous email arrived in my inbox! Advice needed please...
by Anon_SA1 inhey guys!
i am not a jw, never been one, but linked to a born in jw via family.
last week i received an email from an anonymous person.
Isn't this a copyright violation? -
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
She has a lot of stories, period. Also claims she had cancer, her pretend black dad has cancer, she's gotten many threatening things in the mail and at her house (deemed unfounded), date raped, abused by parents, abused by husband, and the list goes on.
She claims her blonde braids were her own hair before she lost it due to chemo, and she continues to wear them periodically. Is that weird? I don't know--I've never had hair attached to my own--but it seems odd to save and re-wear a memento of cancer. (I've had cancer and I personally would never have even thought of doing something like this.)
In 2006, Doležal developed cervical cancer. During chemotherapy, she decided to keep her incredibly long, blonde dreadlocks she had had and still puts them on today. She was considered cured in 2008. - See more at: