Then the feed the elite thing...big fat heavy dinners for lunch??I am appalled that elderly ladies were imposed upon to provide any meals, let alone expensive, hard to prepare items.
Were they expected to transport it too? It's difficult to manage that, let alone strength required to carry it.
Was this for pioneer school? Just to put it in perspective (possibly), I don't recall ever getting meals cooked for me outside of pioneer school. in the school, 1 local kingkongregation was assigned to provide the lunches 1 of the days. Then each cong would ask for volunteers to bring stuff. They overdid it big time. It was a huge buffet with heavy food.
Other than that, like I said, pioneers weren't fed. We actually got shat on quite a bit. They had to do a special needs talk about people "letting" the pioneers always drive and talk at the doors in field service, and nobody even contributing gas $. The publishers were quite happy to let us do all the work. Elite? My sweet patootie.