INTJ. I get the same result every time I take this test.
This test had another metric at the end--I got A for assertive. (I coulda told ya that!)
In previous threads, we discussed the possibility that there are more INTJ ex-jws than in the general population because we question everything.
Furthermore, INTJs prefer asynchronous communication like Internet forums, so you will find more posting here.
And come to think of it, INTJs are more analytical, so probably more likely to take an analytical test such as this one.
We also don't fit in with the E-S-F centric jw culture.
- We share the tendency for judgment but ours must be based upon facts and reasons, not feelings or what charismatic people tell us.
- We need alone time and that is frowned upon. (When I was in, they were big on saying alone time and daydreaming being when Satan can enter your mind. We were admonished to be saying silent prayers when alone. Damn, even when I was alone I had to talk to someone!)
- There is not enough privacy for us. (When I was in, there was no such thing as boundaries. Everyone knew when you had your period, saw a doctor for acne, whatever.)
I'm much happier now that I can be myself. Being a jw in that culture was mentally exhausting.