Post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies. I'll start:
The preaching work will conclude in the 20th century. After that, End Times will begin. Hunger will be widespread and bread will cost a day's wage.
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
Post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies. I'll start:
The preaching work will conclude in the 20th century. After that, End Times will begin. Hunger will be widespread and bread will cost a day's wage.
have you ever been to a circus and seen a "clown car"?.
the little "bug" volkswagon drives out and clowns get out.
lots and lots and lots and lots of clowns!.
"How big is a demon," is a legit question.
If we are to believe Hollywood, being possessed by a single demon is quite exhausting. The demon runs your life, decides what you do, where you are, what you say, etc.
Did all the demons in a single person suddenly develop a hive mind and work together?
If not, wouldn't the person's brain or body be literally torn apart? What if one demon wanted the left arm to stab someone and another demon turned around and ran in the other direction, ripping the arm off? Would the left arm remain there mid-air, detached, stabby, and still demonized?
after the worst introduction i could ever make on the forum i would like to reintroduce myself and make a fresh start on the forum and hopefully over time i will be able to redeem myself.
i have changed my user name which was over dramatic and ridiculous in the cold light of day but for transparency and to show i am not trying to hide anything i have adapted the original name and it now has a more positive feel.
after reading a lot of posts on this forum i am feeling more optimistic about my future.
Holy crap. Just found the old thread. Could only get through the first few pages.
We don't typically take well to people mentioning they need money because there is a lot of bad stuff that happened. We have an older poster here who has sent scammers money. We've had others drop dramatic stories on here, ask for money and disappear. We are skeptical of people because of the stuff we've been through, so hopefully you just hit a nerve and people will calm down.
So anyways, of course you need to worry about $. Your job will end once you're DFd. Your home will be no more. And you have sacrificed development of job skills and a career because of wts teachings. So now what?
Personally, I had to save for a while before I could escape. I had to hide money because of financial abuse. I hid income from my job.
Start looking for a job right now. Do the best you can and just don't work for dubs. Establish a credit history if you don't have one, so you can lease an apartment. Then get the cheapest one you can find.
You will need some sort of long term financial plan, so if you can't find a decent job right now, go to your local community college, trade school or Labor Department and ask for guidance. Then start taking whatever courses or trade classes you can take.
Social losses are serious too, so you will need to develop at least a small support network. Think. Who would support you? Neighbors? Worldly coworkers? Join and start meeting other people. You can go to the library and do that for free.
Next, make a list of what you want in the long term. What is your personal vision of "a life worth living"? Then start taking baby steps toward being happy, being a good person, and contributing positively to the world around you.
You got this.
i even hate to use that word worldly tm.. any way i'm probably the worst.. 1 when the jw s come to my door i say i'm not interested .
2 i have gone to many churches and volunteered.. 3 i shredded all my jw books and magazines out in the woods.. 4 had the mormon elders over and studied with them.. 5 tried pot (its legal here).
6 open carry my fire arm every where (legal here also).
just as i think my loathing for the jw cult has peaked, it goes higher and higher.
i wish this cult would just go away.
i wish my wife would just wake up.
And IMHO you should definitely stop enabling.
I wouldn't call helping someone get ready for the meetings "caretaking".
It's enabling, comparable to buying an alcoholic beer.
You don't have to block the driveway when she tries to leave for the meetings, but you sure as hell don't need to help her get ready.
just as i think my loathing for the jw cult has peaked, it goes higher and higher.
i wish this cult would just go away.
i wish my wife would just wake up.
I don't believe people "have to figure it out on their own". I say get out the cheese grater.
"Hey hon, I would like to do a daily reading of the bible together, without literature or anything else, just god's word. Except I would like to choose the scriptures. Would you be willing to do that?"
Then pick all scriptures from
i am working, more in the planning stages, where i am going to offer a commentary on the caleb and sophia cartoons that the org puts out.
i noticed a heavily patriarchal bent to the narrative that these cartoons offer.
i would really enjoy working with someone who has an academic background in feminist philosophy, or at least someone knowledgeable.
We can all agree the jw cult is misogynistic in the past, present and future.
For those who are trying to reduce the future growth of the cult and shrink it now, publicizing the misogyny is an effective tool. It is also important for the personal growth of ex-cultists.
It would be a shame to allow external debates to drown out this important cult issue.
Comments about how annoying other extremists are seem to have no place in this thread.
It saddens me that nearly every discussion on the Internet that aims to discuss egalitarianism degrades into this same old crap.
..."we are"--at this point i began shaking my head no--"stopping by to share a scripture.".
she had the wt and bible in her hand.. "please do not come to this house ever again.".
"ok we will put you on the do not call list.
I am decidedly not non-confrontational. I just fail to care about helping a current cultist who believes it strongly enough to engage in recruitment.
Mainly, it's because I know the help-one-person-at-a-time approach is SO much less effective than prevention efforts.
I suppose I am helping the individual a little bit by having a firm answer instead of just not answering the door or saying, "No thank you." She certainly knows I object to her message, at least.
Also, it was in the middle of my workday.
i guess we have to assume that jesus was circumcised on the 8th day but what about adam?
he was "perfect", so did he have the weenie cut or not?.
i would like to bring this question up at a "get-together".. rub a dub .
Yes, Adam was circumcised when he was 8 days old.
Jehovah made Adam fall into a deep sleep.
Because there were no other people in existence yet, Jehovah used animals to perform the procedure. They bandaged the wound with fig leaves.
hadn't seen this site before, i thought i'd share it:.