Posts by rebel8
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
Believing something doesn't make it so, and feelings aren't facts. -
Mass baptism nullification 10/2/16 #unJW
by rebel8 ini thought i would rework this and try it again.
i found an old baptism nullification letter here written by poster balsam, and revised it a bit.. i really think we should do a large-scale baptismal nullification request.
letter and more info here.. i am concerned there is no way to track how many people did it.
accomplishes precisely nothing, especially with JWs
As I stated, JWs are not the target of this activity.
I got my Memorial invite! I got my Memorial invite!
by Dagney inmy first one!
even though i got it saturday, march 26, in the mail in an envelope addressed to "my dear neighbor.".
it's the thought that counts..
Show up at the Hall with invitation and a block of cheese in hand, wearing a bib, saying you got an invitation to a wine, cheese and crackers tasting (bring your own cheese). -
Disturbing/Puzzling Skit at JW Function Last Night Plus Odd Choice of Music
by Cadellin inso i attended a fairly large jw gathering last night with my active, elder husband.
it was a good-by party for a former special pioneer couple who have been demoted to reg pios and have now moved to a larger city to find work.
anyway, there was music and skits.
The kids who made up that skit know the scoop!
I thought dubs took credit for Imagine as a song about them. You know, everything is about them. The thing about no religion fits with how they used to tout themselves, "We are not a church." They are The Truth, not a religion or belief system. blah blah blah. And there would be no churches in TNS.
Anyone eat bunnies on Easter????
by James Mixon inwe eat turkey on thanksgiving why not rabbits on easter???
what's your traditional meal.
for easter??
Deviled eggs, because that is the evil version of Easter eggs, you know.
Italian food and lots of sugar.
Mass baptism nullification 10/2/16 #unJW
by rebel8 ini thought i would rework this and try it again.
i found an old baptism nullification letter here written by poster balsam, and revised it a bit.. i really think we should do a large-scale baptismal nullification request.
letter and more info here.. i am concerned there is no way to track how many people did it.
I thought I would rework this and try it again. :)
I found an old baptism nullification letter here written by poster Balsam, and revised it a bit.
I really think we should do a large-scale baptismal nullification request. Letter and more info here.
I am concerned there is no way to track how many people did it. When Mormons did their mass resignations, they did it in a park and could count all the applications. If I ask people to just send their own letters, I would have no way of knowing how many were sent. I tried setting up online surveys/petitions to collect signatures for the letter, but they were either rejected for TOS violations or the free sites do not allow enough signatures.
Beyond curiosity, the number is important in order to get media attention. If we can't quantify it, it may be "not news".
Or maybe if we could get it trending on social media (#unJW), that would be a way to tell if it went viral.
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
Why not do legal protests, such as standing on a nearby public sidewalk and protesting that way?
Rhetorical question. The answer is: These acts were done to serve the needs of the protestor, not the audience.
Unfortunate choice of techniques.
"Disrespecting the faith"--yeah, that was the intent, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Being disruptive on private property, doing criminal things--->not ok.
JW Hypocrisy Rears It's Ugly Head...As Usual
by babygirl30 inso about last night.... i am out at a local club (not restaurant, not event venue - a club) to see a rap concert.
now, i am with some friends minding my own business, and i find that i am standing right behind 3 active jw's - one of whom used to be my best friend.
this girl is as fake as they come: 1) she used to live with me and would bring non-jw guys home all the time, 2) was living with a man when she lived down south - until he dumped her, and then she decided to go back to jw's the 1st time and got reproved, and i supported her.
Sounds like you were a good friend and she is just a superficial manipulator. -
My jw friend keeps preaching to me in e-mails
by Queenme indear friends this is my first time posting.
i am not a jw and have never been one but i have a friend who married a jw and converted.
in spite of the bunk barometer going off in my brain over the years and never responding to her efforts to convert me, she just cannot stop preaching.
I hope this community can help me to suggest a suitably friendly but crushing written response to stop her writing any more unwanted jw nonsense.
"Hi jw friend, thanks so much for keeping me up to date on what's going on in the jw organization. I happened to join a forum ( and am sharing all of this information there. There are some ex-jws there who like to keep up to date on what's going on in the organization so they can help their relatives who are still jws."
"I feel really uncomfortable discussing religion with you. I am happy to keep in touch with you as a friend and discuss non-religious stuff. Thanks for respecting my wishes."
"I noticed you seem really interested in discussing the jw religion with me. If that's the case, I have lots of info to share with you. For example, I read that [insert jw scandal here and links/references]."
After Being Out for 17 Years He is Back In again!!!
by new boy ini called a guy i haven talked with for over two years yesterday.
i met him at bethel back in the 1970's.
david b was known as the g job king back then.
It takes more than courage and disgust to leave a cult fully and permanently.
It takes work.
You have to face your issues.
If you don't, you're at risk for going back and/or never being a healthy person again.
Grief and Relapse Prevention for Ex-Cultists By Beth Shan
eBook (PDF): $0.00A brief overview of the grief and relapse processes experienced by exiting and ex-cultists, and tips for managing them.