I'm off to read about Trinidad cuisine now. You have me curious.
ok, i like to bake, cook, read and write.
my goal, short term is to work on a winning entry for the pillsbury bake off this year and other food contests.
i plan to write, maybe blog about the process.. my small problem with pillsbury is that i am a home baker.
I'm off to read about Trinidad cuisine now. You have me curious.
about 30-50 high profile guests are expected among 300 other guests.
the kingdom hall has requested for support from the police for crowd/traffic control .
According to the link this memorial hasn't been requested by the family either.
OMG HOW can they do this? Do they have any shame at all? omg.
dunno if anyone saw this yet.
the comments are full of jw apologists.
Has anyone seen the People Magazine issue with Prince on the cover that's on the stands right now?
There is one photo of him reclining on a couch, reading the NWT. He is wearing an unusual tunic and eyeliner.
He kind of looks like he's at the Playboy mansion, having sexy time.
various dutch (netherlands) media mentioned the anti-gay children movie on,.
and gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual organizations are shocked, and some gay people.
are reporting the movie to the local police.. the official spokesman of the dutch branch office in emmen declared that the movie is.
Here's another article about it, making the rounds on social media.
It doesn't just teach homophobia, it subtly encourages a JW child to tell her young classmate her mommies are bad and won't get into Paradise if they don't "leave it behind".
i remember many years back a fellow ministerial servant saying this to me.
he felt that even if jehovah’s witnesses were not the only true religion, the regimented routine of meetings and field service and the strict rules and enforcement provided a beneficial structure for his life.
at the time i thought if this wasn’t “the truth”, i’d have no need for all that “structure”.
I have been in management for many years. It is true some people need to be told what to do. I am not saying that disparagingly--it is something they would say about themselves.
For your structure-seeking MS, perhaps he should join the military instead of recruiting innocents into a destructive cult just so he can keep his membership card. That is inexcusable.
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.
My mother would tell the story of me lining up my dolls to play meeting. She observed me angrily jerking them out of the seat and beating the heck out of them.
omg, you just brought back memories of jw kids younger than me doing just that. So very sad.
made to eat soap
I got that a lot because I was mouthy. Let's just say I was not happy when the local grocery store started carrying liquid dish soap, though I came to prefer lemon Joy over the other flavors.
Part of this is because it was socially acceptable among worldly people to do this (proving they are not better than "the world"). I am listening to some 1950s radio programs right now, and one fictional story mentioned a child having to take a scalding bath as punishment. It was mentioned in passing as though it was quite normal.
These torture techniques are just horrifying really.
posting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
Posting this PM at the request of Orphan Crow:
From a medical virtual library in Spain: "Fernando Martinez Guerrero, the Liaison Committee Hospitals of Jehovah's Witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( Blood Conservation Techniques and Perioperative Planning ). This document is divided into several parts, which I link here for your reference for all those interested in the topic:
The Hospital Liaison "handbook" is available as 10 pdfs that can be downloaded. The entire document is a formidable 4660 pages long. The first six parts primarily contain abstracts of medical studies that support the no blood stance of the JWs. *note - Since this version of the Medical Bible was produced in 2001, Dr. Joachim Boldt's research has been declared fraudulent and his papers retracted. This 2001 version has 14 of Boldt studies referenced. I do not know if the WT's Hospital Information Services has followed suit to most other publications and retracted his papers from their current reference guide.
i've been confronting my mother with her dubious parenting skills (abuse) of me as a child.
particularly the beatings i would get with the wooden spoon.
not a light smack but hitting me as hard as she could for as long as she could.
Yes, and she was deliberately brutal, choosing her weapons and targeting her blows to maximize their impact against my medical problems. She did it when she was frustrated with her own life, mad at me for not meeting her narcissistic needs, and for independent thinking. Granted, I was also a PIA kid with an attitude, but 95% of that was due to her being a sick individual in a sick cult.
She does not justify herself at all now. She does not believe it needs justifying. The borg said your kid would not die if you beat her, and I didn't die, so their truth is proven (in her warped mind). Not only was she told I wouldn't die, but she was commanded to beat me.
Yes, the talks from the platform characterized children as bulls that needed to be bridled and beaten into submission--there is no other way to teach children.
Once I tried reading her the scriptures about exasperating your children (can't remember the exact quote right now), and well, you can guess how she reacted.
There was some publication in the 80s that said parents needed to wean themselves off the beatings as a child aged and learned how to control herself. I read that to her as well, but she said I wasn't ready for that. On my high school graduation day, she was embarrassed to have refused to give me a gift or celebrate it, and tried taking that out on me (as she did with any of her personal frustrations). I held her arms back and informed her she would never hit me again. And she didn't.
urghhh... what a disgusting study!7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
the mother wanted to visit anne because she felt pained by her isolation from the family.