Those urges he said, were brought on by post traumatic stress disorder after serving tours in Vietnam and Desert Storm while serving in the Special Forces.
What if he did it, went to jail for 10 years, and repented? What if there were absolutely ZERO chance that he would harm another child?
The first one of those quotes is from a lying liar who lies, and the second is from a misinformed but probably sincere person.
I treated pedos a few times. They cannot get better. It is incurable. They have no conscience. Somebody show me a body of valid evidence of cures for sociopaths, and then we'll talk.
Until then, feast your eyes on the rationalization this dude makes. He picks something others are sympathetic about (vets) and blames it on that. NOPE.
I am going to go now and see if I can confirm he's an actual vet. Even if he is, NOPE, that does not cause a person to be sexually attracted to children.