Wow. It sounds like this gives you a lot of peace, so obviously it is worthwhile for you to do then.
We have handled abuse very differently.
I don't have enough respect or regard for my jw mother to do any of these things, and even if I did, she isn't capable of benefiting from it in a healthy way. It would just fuel her toxicity and cultiness to be forgiven and treated as though her words have merit. She would twist it into vindication that she has the truth and her abuse was justified.I am not guessing--this is based upon experience.
I am convinced the only right thing to do with a narcissist is cut them out of your life. But it sounds as though your situation was different.
come to terms with them...I said everything I wanted to say, asked everything I wanted to ask, and listened to everything they wanted to tell me. I also let them know that I am there if they need any help or support.