Yeah.......what they all said!! I agree with everyones comments before me!!
Welcome to the board Hurt!!
i am quite sad and confused...
how important is it to be truthful and completely truthful about ones past in a relationship?
is it unusual for one to be severely hurt after discovering that a mate has not said everything about a past relationship even thouhg they calim to have?
Yeah.......what they all said!! I agree with everyones comments before me!!
Welcome to the board Hurt!!
how would you react if doctors come up with a test that could determine if your son would turn out to be gay when he grows up?
how would you react?
i personally, having two young sons myself, would not want to know.
Homo, hetro, or bi really doesn't matter to me. I have some gay friends and they are some really interesting people (funny too). I simply try not to judge a book by its cover and let everyone be people.
If science could determine if my un-born childs sexual preference, would I want to know? No, I don't think so. I would rather let my child grow up and determine that for them self and I would just figure it out sooner or later.
My question is why is it that most of American society will watch 2 women having sex and not 2 men? Not that I personally want to watch 2 men, I just don't know the answer to the question. This is just one of the strange statistics that I have been gathering for many years (Don't mind me, I am just weird).
I think that part of this answer is that American society has accepted the female body as beauty while the male body gets a beer gut.
ok...i went to the edge about my music selection...and i'm trying to change it not because an elder or brother is telling me..but because i'm trying to get away from the "aggressive" "anger" sounding music such as rock...metal and all that junk...this is a personal decision and i am not a jw anymore from those that can remember...but my question to all the freaks geeks and streakers out there...i'm starting to get into alice deejay music...trance...does anyone else know of any good trance artists?
the "metallica" of trance music besides alice deejay.
i need music!
If you get a good MP3 file sharing program, which I don't like but I have two teenage daughters that love music, such as Kazaa or Morpheus, which are free to download, these are equiped with a search engine. Type in anything like trance, dance, etc. and the results will be listed for you to download. Got to watch out for viruses and trojans though. But on the bright side, they are all FREE!
yes queenie wants to know does any of us have some good habits like paying income taxex on time, paying bills on time, telling your wife how much you love and care about her and that she is the queen of your heart--things like that ????
I'm not sure if this is a good habit or not but I can lick my eyebrow!
On a serious note, I have serveral good habits. 1) I treat others as I would want to be treated. 2) I work very hard to take care of my family. 3) I protect my family. 4) I love my family. 5) See number 4.
ok, now that we ae's the "scoop".
gwen and i went to two meetings (3 actually, but that extra one was a mistake in timing, speach council point 99, i got a "w" on that one.
we got the two disfellowshipping parts mentioned from the august km on tape.
Edited by - maximumflash on 27 August 2002 22:56:47
puts plugs in his ears from the start.. now, it don't seem to be my imagination, but many ladies for some inexplicable reason seem a tad unreasonable at least once a month where anything i do seems to be wrong in their eyes.
most ruddy irksome it is from a guys point of view i can tell ee.
here we are, quite happy in our own right, say something to this here balmpot, and wowwwwww irritable utterances just tumble forth with such degrees of unreasonableness tis almost funny to observe, but dare i laugh in their presence whilst she be in this most unpredictable of states?
Take a week long vacation out of the house every month! Or send her on a vacation one week every month! LOL
this is for all you idiots who don't believe we're in the last days..
ecological decline 'far worse' than official estimates .
leaked paper - oecd's grim warning on climate change .
This is for all you idiots who don't believe we're in the Last Days..
Optimistic are we?
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
Cocktail anyone?
Having a Jack and Coke myself!
i have been reading this board since right before dateline.. i want to say thanks to simon for this great website!
i want to thank bill bowen, sheila bowen, barbara anderson, joe anderson, the pandelos, erica rodriguez, and all of the other silentlambs who have spoken out!.
i have some questions.. does anyone have any information about a circuit overseer named orval ellis (he used to be the co in arkansas, and then oklahoma, and just now colorado).
Welcome to you both! See you around the board!
is what i am saying being heard or are you wondering why i am speaking this way?
to hear me you need a silent mind.
if you are wondering why then you have not heard.. how can you bind a man or woman with less than a single strand of silk?
Sorry vic, I think you lost me.
maximumflash of the "simple minded fool" class