JoinedTopics Started by maximumflash
Just a simple hello...
by maximumflash in.
for those that do not know me, i was on here a while back.
i've been out of the loop for about a year (give or take) and recently got back online so i thought i would stop in at jwd and say hi.. talk to you later, max.
I'm back!!!
by maximumflash injust letting people know that i am back but i am going to be very busy in the next several months due to moving preparations and other stuff.
so if you do not see me around very much, don't be suprised.
i hope everyone is doing well.
Look out Europe, here we come!!!
by maximumflash inwe are moving!!!!!.
as many of you know, cassiline and i live in the united states of america.
i just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to germany!!!!
Thanks from Cassi and Max
by maximumflash insorry i could not make this post ealier than this but things have been a little rough around our neck of the woods here lately.
where to start, my daughter was admitted to the hospital about 3 weeks ago with a kidney infection.
she stayed for a few days and the doctors were concerned that she may have had appendictis.
Help Protect Your Child..... Free kit
by maximumflash in.
agrughhhhhhh wrong name!!!
!edited by - maximumflash on 17 august 2002 23:19:59.
Let's try this
by maximumflash ineveryone is on this board for one reason or another.
many of you because of wrong doings or injustices committed by someone.
whatever the reason, we are all on this board making posts that maybe interesting to others here.. instead of talking trash about someone you may not like on this board, let's do this:.
It is official! I am a member!
by maximumflash ini have decided to join this board after getting to read some of the stories here.
some of you might be familiar with me through conversation with my wife, cassiline, who has been a member here for quite some time now.. let me explain a few thing about my beliefs which will be boring to some of you so it's ok if you don't read this.
i don't have a religion, i simply believe in myself and the well being of others around me.