So you will all have to do better than that, either impress me today or lose me---------------- TisInYourWishbone
Hummm I wonder if the attitude may have? Perhaps something to do with comments like the above. Or the fact that Kingpawn answered your first question long ago and you choose to ignore it.
OK Tis,
First off, the others have been put off by a certain smugness that comes across in your words. I caught it too but anyway....
Since I don't know what topics you consider would be a good cross-section of the board, try searching (link is above to the left of the forum name) using the following keywords:
- Disfellowshipping or shunning
- UN
- SilentLambs or pedophilia
- Blood
- Failed prophecies
- Mexico/Malawi
The thing is, if you're not familiar with the doctrines and background of the Witnesses, much of it may not make a lot of sense--you won't be able to relate to it like someone who has been/is a JW. Drop me a line (e-mail addy's above the pic on the left hand side of the post) and tell me something about yourself so I recognize it's you and can better answer your questions.
Edited by - Kingpawn on 11 November 2002 8:8:30
Here I will give you a few links to keep you busy for awhile since it seems you are having a problem with the search feature.
UN Issue
And here are some movies to keep you occupied. Learn about the pedophilia issue.
Stats on JW's