Great job jes, michelle, and kim!!!!! I can't imagine how much strength that took but you all were terrific!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by maximumflash
Report on news coverage in DALLAS!!!!
by Jesika inwell, all i can say is wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they have been preparing everyone by way on tv and radio on the sexual abuse in the jw religion.
they had a small piece on the 6 o'clock news with a small interview with bill bowen.
Yet another news interview! Re: Silentlambs
by Valis inmy ear is ringing really loud right now...i just got off the phone w/our very own jesika and she was very excited.
as she proceded to pierce my ear drum she relayed to me that channel 8 news is coming to her house today for an interview...guess what they will be discussing?!!!
it aint the weather that's for sure!.
Good luck Jesika!!!!
Salvadoran JW house cleaner STOLD my homemade JAM
by Cappuccino OC inyup, .
i have a cleaning lady because i had surgery on my left arm and i have a cast.
i hired her because i thought i could trust her.
Celia this is Cassiline using Maximumflash's account
Sorry about the mix-up.... I just congratulated Blondie and Dutchie on being empresses and it was on my mind. You are certainly not lowly in any way, shape or form.
It was still a very sweet thing to offer Celia, my apologies again for the Empress mix-up.
Cassi..... who went over her posting limit for the first time!! OOPS
Newbie with question
by outbackaussie inbeen browsing around...and i have to say it is alittle difficult to tell if this is a pro or anti jw site.
any takers on filling me in on what the attitudes are around here?
it seems there are quite afew inactive and df or da people but then there seems to be alot of chat about meetings etc.. for the record, i was raised jw from age 5, baptised at 15 and df at 17 and reinstated at 18. i would call myself inactive...most of my family are still active but talk and associate with me.
Outbackaussie, welcome to the board!!!
As far as rules of engagement, there are none here, you may talk about anything you want here. Most people on this board are not JW's any longer but I think that some JW's read what is posted here. I am a never been, that is never been in any religion, but my wife is an ex-JW. This board helps many of the members with support issues after leaving the JW religion.
So if you are in or out, you are welcome here.
Thanks, Tears and Nilfun............
by Cassiline inas i sit here reading all the well wishes and think back to my jw days when we were told what awful/horrible people lived in the world.
not only did you all write your well wishes to keep my spirits up on the threads below there were e-mails, cards and phone calls.
thank you all for your well wishes you were too kind.
Maximumflash has been through hell and back running his butt off caring for the entire family. Work, school etc. Never complaining once.
She hasn't seen how bad I have messed up the bills yet!! LOL((((((((((((((((((( Maximumflash ))))))))))))))) Lots of love sent your way!
Love you babe!!!!!!!!
Hello, just thought I'd share my newbie story
by WingCommander insince i am new on this forum, just thought i'd share my story.
(though it seems typical on here) born into jw's.
parent's nutty jw friends told them to raise children like nazi's, and not allow them to do anything, or associate with anyone other than jw kids.
Welcome WingCommander!!!
Cats and lawnmowers
by troucul inok guys, (simon probably won't like this thread) what's the worst thing you did as a kid to a defenseless animal?
me, i liked to throw rocks at frogs.
my mom was so mad when she saw me..... the girls are gonna be pissed..... rotfl
I never did anything to harm animals. But I would tease the hell out of them. Here is an example:
I use to take my fishing pole to the shore without hooks, just fishing line. At the end of the line, I would tie on a piece of squid. Then I would cast the line on to the fishing pier. Seagulls would swoop down to pick up the squid. When they fly off with the squid, I would let the fishing line go out for a bit. Once the seagull would get some distance, I would pull back on the fishing pole and jerk the squid out of their mouth. It would make the seagull spin in the air. I always thought this was a good way to get back at the seagull after they dropped a load from the sky which hit me once or twice in my lifetime.
When to put up Christmas decorations?
by Simon in.
the kids are very keen on having a christmas tree and some decorations.. is there any date these are supposed to go up or are we going to look really silly having it up mid november ?
You can put up christmas decoration anytime of the year that you want to. There are no rules for christmas!!!
Have a merry christmas everyone!!!
Hindley dies - can such evil be forgiven?
by Matty innobody in the history of crime in britain has really provoked such raw emotion as myra hindley and ian brady.
they were responsible for some of the most horrific instances of torture and murder of children that has ever been known.
however, in recent years myra hindley has shown "remorse" for what she did and had subsequently become a "christian".
Hindley's body will not have to be returned to prison but will be released from hospital to family and friends.
Hello Matty
These people sound as if they got far less then what they deserved.
While reading the article the statement above caught my eye. Made me laugh. Guess that truly would be life in prison eh?