Congrats you two!!!! Yes, I want to see the pics!!!
May you have some wonderful times and terrific years ahead!!! Our best wishes to you both!!!
Max and Cassi
katie and i are about to head out to the airport, and by 3 pm tomorrow afternoon will be happy husband and wonderful wife!
we would almost certainly never have met each other if not for this forum, where we have both laughed and cried and healed, with and through all of you friends.
from the bottom of our hearts:.
Congrats you two!!!! Yes, I want to see the pics!!!
May you have some wonderful times and terrific years ahead!!! Our best wishes to you both!!!
Max and Cassi
living here in the north( minnesota ) as you might exspect it gets cold now and then.
althought we dont have any snow here it is getting colder and colder, and this mourning i got up to go to work my truck said it was 19 deg.
c.any whooo, i had a bottle of diet coke and a bottle of moutain dew left in my truck.
Mountain Dew is about the color of anti-freeze, isn't it? I never noticed that before. Of course in Louisiana, we don't have to worry about drinks freezing. I love Mountain Dew BTW.
{{{{{{cassi and maximumflash}}}}}}}
Woah..... hold on here. Enough with the mushy stuff. Farkel, you are a great guy but I may not be your type. Besides, Cassi is going to get jealous. How in the world am I going to explain that to her?
Shoot, I already have enough problems trying to protect myself after the x-ray thread.
Just thought I would repost the link so more people would see her hip bones. Love you Cassi!! Can I please have my remotes back?
Maximumflash---> of the nervous about getting hugs from dude's Class (especially those dudes from Mad Magazine)
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
We should change this to the receipe thread. Several people seem to like the cookies.
Is this party still on or what?
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.
i've taken note that the person that goes by the name "outlaw" continues to post daily.
yet, he hasn't entered the thread whose title bears his very own name.
yes, conveniently, outlaw skips past a thread that calls him to account for the lie he spoke about yadirf.