The ability to understand ideas and connect them thogether.
Short isn't it..but by far the best I've found.
That means that knowledge is not intelligence per se, but it helps as the more ideas you've understood the more connections you can make. Also the more ideas and connections the more new and more complex ideas can be comprehended.
In the other hand, an individual could be able to make more connections with less knowledge and create knowledge itself.
Some people are better/quicker at making certain type of connection (visual, abstract, practical, etc.) so they become better at some things. That's mainly due to their personality, their take on life, and their necessities/environment.
The interesting thing is that it's not quantifiable as you would need to know how many ideas you've understood and how many connections you've made. Also all the connections you have not made and ideas you have not understood could be due to things like stress, fear, lack of self esteem, etc. and not due to lack of intelligence. So to quantify it you would need to know that too.
IQ Tests only give a resulting quantity of knowledge and intelligence but not of pure intelligence.
To understand Ideas you need intelligence but once you've understood them they cannot be counted as intelligence.
As where's the intelligence in saying somenthing you know??? it's just a process of retrieving from memory