We had a blast last evening... not too many trick-or-treaters though since a water main at the end of our street had broken earlier in the day, and the first part of the street was covered in mud... not many dared to brave the mud to get to our place, but the 60 or so that made it came away with extra candy.
I put out my webbing full of spiders, some skelletons, lighted jack-o-lanterns, vines, a couple glowing tombstones with bones sticking out of the ground and multi-color glowing skulls and of course this awesome purple floating ghost with a motion sensor that would begin to dance and giggle as the they approached the door, then, when the knock came, it triggered a couple great fuzzy black spiders that hung up above the door (sound activated), to descend on the hapless candy seekers.
Ah... the squeals... then... just when they thought they were safe, we'd open the door, and my son, dressed as the grim reaper would extend a clawed hand toward them, holding a caulderon of candy. I watched from the front window, and if any little munchkins were in the group, I'd open the door before they got to the point they'd trigger the spiders, and offer candy as a fairy princess... It was so much fun.
I love Halloween.