Just gave Obama another idea.
Great! Now I'm gonna be a cracker!! Oh, wait. Already am, so maybe that's not such a bad thing. But, seriously, Jonesie, STFU about turning us into packaged food items already! You're scaring the nutjobs!!
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
Just gave Obama another idea.
Great! Now I'm gonna be a cracker!! Oh, wait. Already am, so maybe that's not such a bad thing. But, seriously, Jonesie, STFU about turning us into packaged food items already! You're scaring the nutjobs!!
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
Was the speech changed after all the brouhaha?
Well... I think it's safe to say that it was, but they may never admit it and we may never see what was originally in it. I would love to see the original for comparison.
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
I didn't know your son was a boyscout Jeannie.
Stop kidding around, Womanz! I am dead serious... did you not just see me dragged off by the death panel?
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
folks act like Obama wickedly invented the wheel.
He did! And just look at how many people die in car-wrecks as a result, Jonesie! Honestly, I thought you were defending the man!!
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
Yes, the part about joining Hitler's youth scouts was left out and that part where he said loyalty to parents means death. And the part where he told them God is dead. And the part where he says they must learn the goosestep march and how to draw swastikas. And let's not forget how he told them to use condoms and have abortions if the condoms fail.
Geez, Flyin. I see nothing wrong with any of that. In fact, I'm just now ironing my son's brown shirt so that he will look his best for the prez speech. Oh, and my Prius is working out well, but I don't like the flourescent bulbs... they make me look all blotchy. Ummm... yer not gonna tell our Beloved Leader are you? Flyin? I mean about the flourescents? I can change, I tell you... I'll learn to like them! *hears banging at the door* OH MY GOD!!! NOOOOOO..... *is drug away by a death panel while son goossteps around the kitchen singing something about hope and change*
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
In the absence of good information these types of rumors and stupidity will flourish. Where was Obama's response to these items? I'm sorry, but vacationing while the country was coming un-glued over his plan was not wise. Does he deserve a vacation? Well, DUH!! Of course, but he should have addressed these issues before he went. Listening to these pompous lawmakers on capitol hill get more and more frustrated in their response to the reversal in the polls, and stammer around trying to explain something that they couldn't because most of them had not even read HR3200 was like watching a train wreck. Politically, they said to America, "We don't like you anymore, and we're taking our ball and going home. You're too stupid to understand us celestial beings anyhow."
To members of Congress; Look you Morons... It was Barack Obama that got elected and you guys just got pulled along on the tidal wave of his campaign. But you are not the president and it is the president that we want to hear from. He needs to explain it, and congress needs to get their attitude in check before they end up dragging him under the bus with them.
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
Thank you, Blondie. I sometimes forget just how much damage this organization has done to peoples futures in the name of religion.
On Mr. Obama's speech, my prior silliness aside, the speech in it's present form certainly does not offend me. I did have an objection to the original printed materials, but from what I understand, those materials are not going to be used in my son's school so, whatever.
I think that Mr. Obama's advisors and PR reps have given him seriously bad information during this after-honeymoon period. They have also failed to take responsibility for their bad advise. Let's face it... his approval rating is in the tank and these bozo's come onto TV and call concerned Americans a 'mob' and other names instead of coming up with a clear-cut communication campaign to address their concerns. The result has been a flood of mistrust and irritation that made a segment of society feel like they had no say in their own government. This segment firmly believes that government is responsible to the people for it's actions, and these insult certainly did little to make them feel happy with the 'hope and change' that was taking place.
It is a mistake to say that these people are all a bunch of uneducated rightwing nutjobs that blindly follow Fox News. The result of such an attitude is the dismissal of the opinions of a large segment of American society, a far larger segment of society than is normally thought to exist because most in this group are not very vocal. These folks are not likely to forget such an insult, and members of congress now realize that the result to themselves may be a sweep in 2010.
Again, it is not HealthCare, the financial bailout, takeover of certain automakers or this silly address to the kids. What has people pissed off is the attitude toward an entire group of hard-working, concerned Americans that these people do whatever they want regardless of if their constituents want it or not and then when the constituents voice concerns they are insulted by their own elected officials rather than provided with solid information on why the action was necessary. I've already escaped a group that told me, TTrust me. I know whats good for you and you do not, so, shut up and do what I want."
i will totally leave names out, as many get all huffy about that.
it's also possible that i am wrong, though i doubt it.. it's just that some trolls seem to deliberately be terrible spellers to make themselves look more naive and when they leave here for whatever reason, some new bad speller comes along in less than a week with an impossible problem or a complicated love situation with a jw or they are a firm believer with questions.
just watch out.
Trying to play Whack-a-Mole in cyberspace is impossible... Eventually, real trolls become bored and leave. You can only rile people for so long under one 'identity'... after a while, people stop biting, caring, whatever.
No-one takes them seriously though. After you've been here a while, they're easy enough to spot. Most people won't get caught up in their BS stories.
Now... I'm off to mail my 100k to the Nigerian prince who is coming to America. We met via email and he is a charmer. He's beinging me a million dollars and a Lear Jet.
Bye all!
i didn't see this posted yet.
youve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it.and this isnt just important for your own life and your own future.
you make your own future.
Barack is a girl and his wife has a penis
I know it for a fact... That is the only way to explain why they are so evil!
i got called in to work today to cover the paint department.
i only got a little bit of paint on my face and hands and clothes, so i think i did good.
interestingly, there was a nice older latino couple who came in to buy 5 gallons of stain.
Priest, I need to bleach my eyeballs after seeing that. Thanks for the nightmare.