U need to provide some more info about your situation. Is she baptized? How old is she? How old are you? Do you intend to marry her? How seriously does she believe in the JW or is it she is more afraid of the parents? Keep in mind the JW have no law against marrying an outsider as long as there is no hanky panky going on beforehand although the marriage would be strongly discouraged. Sounds to me from your post that the 1st order of business is to get her away from the parents who it appears have entirely too much control over her life and mind. This may be difficult to do though if both of u are minors. Like I said I need more info to give u the proper advice.
Posts by mule
The continuing saga of being in love with a Witness
by starcrossedpimp ini don't know how many read my prior post "problems with jw girlfriend and her family", but i feel the need to continue the story as it is very current and is taking quite a toll on both of us.
she and i also work together at a grocery store, so even if she does/did decide to break things off (because of her parents and the religion) we would still see each other (i'll get to this in a minute).
we both know that we still love each other and that we deserve to be together, but can this religion be stronger than true love?????