Posts by Frog

  • sass_my_frass

    Ridiculous New System Ideas

    by sass_my_frass in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    ... that i've noticed, generated by wbts, include that:.

    - everybody's living room has a view to the distant snow-capped mountains, uninhibited by the neighbour's ugly tudor that he knocked together at least forty five millennia ago and wouldn't you think he'd have painted the gables by now?.

    - they all visit their friends walking over the unfenced meadows carrying baskets of fruit.

    1. Jez
    2. daniel-p
    3. mkr32208
  • Frog

    where do you drag all your pics from uncle b??!

  • greendawn

    Married or single?

    by greendawn in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    how many people here are maried or single?

    would the married prefer to be single and the single married or are they happy as they are?

    i am single and prefer to be married given the right conditions.

    1. Kristofer
    2. misspeaches
    3. Bumble Bee
  • Frog
    Thats a good point Dr. Jekyll, but I consider my partner to be the biggest child in my house and I like to be able to go out shopping without him telling me how much money I can spend, and I like to cook what I like instead of compromising, and I like to use the internet whenever I please without him moaning that he needs it, etc etc.

    yeash! ...i prefer to go to bed with my laptop x

  • unclebruce

    Apostafest Caption Comp ~ Apostates Only! ~ BBQ Book Prize

    by unclebruce in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    g'day hunter gatherers,

    i have a copy here of metal meat and fire: the legendary aussie bbq.

    it is packed with pictures of australians showing off their home made bbq's and cooking techniques.

    1. Frog
    2. ballistic
    3. unclebruce
  • Frog

    "Hey there all you thirsty ones! Come to the water." Isiah 55:1

  • unclebruce

    Apostafest Caption Comp ~ Apostates Only! ~ BBQ Book Prize

    by unclebruce in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    g'day hunter gatherers,

    i have a copy here of metal meat and fire: the legendary aussie bbq.

    it is packed with pictures of australians showing off their home made bbq's and cooking techniques.

    1. Frog
    2. ballistic
    3. unclebruce
  • Frog

    "in the midst of a sheep that has been spread abroad, that is the way I shall care for my sheep" Ezekiel 34:12

  • lowden

    U.N. Scandal Clarfications Please.

    by lowden in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    since i joined the forum a short while ago i was confronted by the above scandal, hadn't known about it , haven't been in touch with anything to do with the org for a while.

    so i've read all the posts and questions and i think iget the drift, but what i want to kno now is why did they do it?

    i hear their excuse of the library card, but that's obviously a load of tosh.

    1. AuldSoul
    2. AuldSoul
    3. AuldSoul
  • Frog


    can someone pls get back to Lowden please...i'm drowing under uni work, and just came up briefly for air...x

  • free2beme

    Do you think the Greenhouse affect is man-made or a natural cycle?

    by free2beme in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i hear a lot about the greenhouse affect, in the news and in environmental movements.

    i also studied this topic when i was in college and remember seeing a lot of information on how many of these weather changes that are attributed to the greenhouse affect, have repeated themselves many times throughout history and are expected to do so again.

    so when i read these topics in the news and see how much greenpeace and other ultra enviro-terror groups ignore the other side of the story.

    1. ballistic
    2. Abaddon
    3. upside/down
  • Frog
    If you can find old Greenie literature, look at the predictions (prophesies) in it.

    Blacksheep, of course those predcitions didn't come true in their entirity, the point of predictions (the same as scientific climate change models) is to modify our behaviour to stop that eventuatlity from coming to fruitition.

    Nobody is saying that partial climate change isn't nn part natural (and it really does rest on your interpretation of "natural), the point being made here is that human activity in the last few hundreds years has sped the process up exponentially.

    As for upside/downs per usual trying to be controversial...I realise you think you're really clever & all for your point on humankind being a naturally occuring part of the ecosystem, but what we're talking about here is preserving the earth in some fit form to sustain your children & your children's children, to be able to enjoy the same benefits your (ignorant anthropocentric) generation has enjoyed.