Also dont worry about the size too much, the board will resize the pic to fit.
i would like to put a picture next to my name, like you all have.
i have to put in a url.
can anyone give me instructions in a really really easy way, pretty pls.
Also dont worry about the size too much, the board will resize the pic to fit.
during class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
been there, done that! I must've seemed so snobby...honestly I wasn't :(
Akk Me too! Old class mates tell me, "we always thought you were stuck on yourself" I found out later that some ppl thought I was gay cuz I didnt date!!!??? shitty.
i would like to put a picture next to my name, like you all have.
i have to put in a url.
can anyone give me instructions in a really really easy way, pretty pls.
Hey Junior
A url (earl) uniform resource locator =,gif,bmp or what ever. You would use a url only if the pic you want to use is on the web.
The other choice is Upload a picture from my computer. You would use this one if the pic you want to use is on your computer. Click browse and navigate folders on your computer til you get to the pic
"god is just an imaginary friend for adults.
" - morgan freeman, the big bounce
*sound of giant door knockers banging*
Doctor Frankenstein: "What knockers!"
Inga (Teri Garr): "Oh, huh, thank you Doctor."
ladies and gents, how are you all? thats out of the way, i need you guys to do me a favour, i have been reading up on jws for the past three/four years, the people are pleasent enough and live fairly ordinary lives....some could say boring....(lets call up susie for a game of cards!!!!!
i come here with a problem is simple and clear cut, it could even be summed up in one word..."hope".
1. Why is every number in revelation symbolic except for 144000?
2. Why do we believe that the 144000 hadn?t been finished by 1930 when the bible and history clearly indicate it could have easily been filled early in the last half of the 1st century?
3. Acts 21:20 in the original Greek says there were ?many myriads? of Jewish Christians: in the Greek a myriad is either ten thousand or an incalculable number. If there were many tens of thousands of Christian in the Jerusalem congregation by at most 60 C.E., would this not lend credence to the 144000 being filled by the end of the 1st century with 40 years of growth to take place including the growth of the gentile congregation? If it is an incalculable number doesn?t that show that the 1st century Christians were not centrally governed since they didn?t have a population count? Didn?t turn in time to the older men in Jerusalem? After all, Acts 21:20 is referring to the Jerusalem congregation.
4. Why is the only thing we believe from Russell?s time that the Gentile times ended in 1914?
5. Why is the only thing we believe from Rutherford?s time that 1935 was the last year to become one of the ?little flock?, who the great crowd is, and to advertise the kingdom?
6. Why do modern publications say that Russell believed Christ?s Parousia began in 1914, when reading his works clearly shows that he believed it began in 1874 up until his death?
7. Why do I have to go to the internet to read the founder of the movement?s books?
8. Would they not easily fit on the WT library CDROM?
9. Why do we give prophetic significance to the Faithful & Discreet Slave of Matthew 24 when in actuality it was just a parable?
10. The Governing Body is said to be the Faithful & Discreet Slave?s representatives. Since when does a slave have a representative?
11. If the Governing Body is the representative of the Faithful & Discreet Slave, why does it not consult with the slave before making a decision?
12. In Revelation the term ?a great crowd is used twice, once at 7:9 and 19:1. At 7:9 they are placed ?in sight of the throne? according to the original Greek which does not necessarily exclude their placement from heaven or earth. At 19:1 they are placed definitely in heaven. Their words are nearly identical to the great crowd?s words at 7:9. If Revelation 7:9 is a cornerstone teaching of Jehovah?s Witnesses that the great crowd is to live on earth, why does the Society not clarify 19:1?
13. Where in the bible is the destiny of the little flock and other sheep shown to be different?
14. When Jesus talked about the little flock and other sheep, he was speaking to Jews. Is it not more reasonable and simple an explanation that the other sheep that would be brought in to the one flock are the gentiles?
15. Where does the bible say that only the Governing Body can understand the scriptures?
16. When in history has God?s word only been interpretable by a few select men?
17. Could the Pentateuch be interpreted only by the Governing Body? The Books of the Kings? The Psalms? The Prophets?
18. Since these books could be understood with out the help of the Governing Body in Israel and they make up the largest portion of the bible do we only need the Governing Body?s help to understand the Greek Scriptures?
19. Did the Faithful & Discreet Slave exist during the apostasy?
20. How were they acceptable to Jehovah without a true organization to attach to?
21. If they Governing Body are truly being used by God, how can they teach things in the past that becomes apostate teaching in the present with the advent of some new light?
22. Is there any evidence of Gods people relying on new light in the ancient past?
23. Was the complex Law of Moses revealed progressively for the benefit of the Israelites?
24. If not why would the relatively simple Law of the Christ be revealed progressively?
25. Did Christ progressively teach the early Congregation with new light?
26. How did the early congregation come to be completely up to speed with the truth at most by 70 C.E., but Jehovah?s Witnesses still receive new light 126 years in to their modern history?
27. If a bible student can accept the whole range of very radical changes of Witness teachings in as little as 6 months, why do we need progressive light to make even slight adjustments today?
28. How is it that Jehovah?s Witnesses encourage students to challenge their religion in the light of the bible, but once they are baptized it is a sin to challenge the teachings of the Governing Body?
29. Why did Jesus say to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but Jehovah?s Witnesses baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the spirit directed organization?
30. Referring to the Memorial of Christ death he said ?keep doing this in remembrance of me? Since his body and blood were the means by which all can get life. Why do most of Jehovah?s witnesses reject partaking of that body symbolically?
31. Jesus said to the Jews, who had no concept of being resurrected to heaven that they would have to eat his body and drink his blood to be raised in the last day. Why do most of Jehovah?s witnesses reject partaking of that body symbolically?
32. Jehovah?s Witnesses avoid pagan holidays, so why do they practice what would be considered a Black Mass by Devil Worshipers and the people of Christendom alike on the memorial of Christ death by rejecting the emblems? (Black Masses are a parody of the last supper performed in many ways, perhaps by defiling the emblems or accepting them but returning them uneaten to the officiating priest thereby saying ?NO? to the body and blood of Christ)
33. Did the 1st century congregations send all judicial correspondence to the older men in Jerusalem in a blue envelope?
34. Did they send any judicial correspondence to the older men in Jerusalem?
35. How is it that the Israelites were condemned for making laws as a hedge around the Mosaic Law but the Governing Body makes the same kinds of oppressive laws whether there is or isn?t clear bible law involved? (Smoking, birthdays, beards, suits & tie, coat on stage, turning in time to be considered a Christian, oral sex, anal sex, etc)
36. Was this really food at the proper time?
A. Rape is considered pornia for the victim if he/she didn?t scream before 2003
B. Before the 1952 vaccines were an abomination that could result in disfellowshiping
C. Before 1983 organ transplants are considered cannibalism and could result in disfellowshiping
37. How many sisters were disfellowshipped for being raped and not screaming?
38. How many sisters were dragged before a judicial hearing to find out if they screamed or not?
39. How many sisters were scarred for thinking they committed pornia by being raped when they were too afraid to scream?
40. How many raped sisters were apologized to when new light came out in 2003
41. How many were disfellowshipped for taking a vaccine?
42. How many died as a result of not taking a vaccine?
43. How many disfellowshipped for taking a vaccine were allowed to come back to the congregation, given their old status back?
44. How many died as a result of not taking an organ transplant?
45. How many were disfellowshipped for it?
46. In 1983 did they get an apology?
47. In 1983 did those disfellowshipped get an automatic reinstatement?
48. In 1983 did the new light bring those back to life for following a false teaching on organ transplants?
49. Did Jehovah?s true prophet falsely claim that the end would come in 1914? 1915? 1918? 1919? (Deut 18:20-22)
50. Did Jehovah?s true prophet falsely claim that the year 1925 ?is a date even more clearly marked in the scriptures than 1914?? (Deut 18:20-22)
51. Did Jehovah?s true prophet say that ?There will be no slip-up...Abraham should enter upon the actual possession of his promised inheritance in the year 1925?? (Deut 18:20-22)
52. In the famous talk Millions no living will never die did Jehovah?s true prophet say ?Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old?? (Deut 18:20-22)
53. In the 9/15/41 watchtower did Jehovah?s prophet claim that Christians should preach more urgently ?in the coming months before Armageddon?? (Deut 18:20-22)
54. From 1966 to 1975 did Jehovah?s true prophet really say that ?It would not be by mere chance or accident but would be according to the loving purpose of Jehovah God for the reign of Jesus Christ, the 'Lord of the Sabbath,' to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man's existence." {LEIF -30} (Deut 18:20-22) too many quotes on 1975 in those years.
55. From at least the 1950s until 1995 did Jehovah?s true prophet really say that the generation that ?saw? 1914 would not pass away before the end of this system? (Deut 18:20-22) too many quotes on the generation.
56. Why is it that Jesus did more physically & materially for those who weren?t his disciples than he did for his followers yet Jehovah?s Witnesses only help fellow brothers materially?
57. Why do Jehovah?s witnesses stick to the year 537 B.C.E for Jewish repatriation based on secular history, but when there is even more compelling evidence for 586/7 for the destruction of Jerusalem they still believe in the discredited 607 date?
58. Why do the scholars at the Society quote Flavius Josephus? Jewish Antiquities in reference to the 70 year desolation of Judah and the temple, but fail to mention he later refers to a 50 year exile? 537+50=587
59. If I add up all of the regnal years of each Babylonian monarch as they appear in the Society?s literature, why do I end up only back at 587 for the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar?
60. Why does the Egyptian date of Pharaoh Neco?s reign corroborate the Babylonian chronology for 587 as the destruction of Jerusalem?
61. Is it not true that the neo Babylonian documents you try to discredit as foraged are actually verified by over 2500 independent cuneiform business documents from the era stating the monarch and the date, to the point that they can be used to establish the beginning and ending month of each monarch?s rule?
62. Is in not true that the neo Babylonian documents you try to discredit as foraged have been proven accurate because they contain reference to verified astrological occurrences (eclipses, and constellation positions) which happened within the years in question but not if we move back 20 years to a 607 staring point?
63. Is it not true that your ancient historian of choice, Flavius Josephus, uses the documents you try to discredit as foraged in his Antiquities?
64. Does the 587 date for the destruction of Jerusalem really conflict with the bible?s prophesy or just your 1914 chronology?
65. Isn?t the 70 years of Babylonian superiority prophesied by Jeremiah, Daniel and others, independent of the destruction of the city?
66. Is the growth in the Organization a sign of Jehovah?s favor?
67. Why has the organization?s growth been negative for blank years in view of the campaign to assist the inactive and counting 15 minute elderly/sick publishers?
68. Is because the love of the greater number cooling off?
69. If so, can we really have it both ways and attribute growth to Jehovah?s approval?
i have a program that has the kjv of the bible, and it allows me to install other bibles to compare translations.
i want to install the nwt from the watchtower cd and i can't figure out the "path" for the directory, to tell this program where to find it.
also, does anyone else know of other "online bibles" that i could download?.
I was under the impression that the Watchtower Society was keeping their e-version under lock and key.
Heh you right. lock MEPS key MEPS encryption key
talkin out o my arse
this is part of an apostate book i'm writing.
please tell me if the thought is coherent.
1. where does the bible say that only the governing body can understand the scriptures?.
Yes and the thing is, being a minister/preacher means spewing/regurgitating the teachings of Counsel of Brookly'n.
Ha Carmel!
NKnorr: "Ok guys well it's time, let?s break this seal."
FFranz: "Ehh we see here that evidently Greek past participle...."
NKnorr: "Will you just tell us the prophecy you lunk head"
FFranz: "Ehh er well 1975 is apparently the beginning of the millennial reign"
NKnorr: "OhhBoy Imagine the frenzy"
HolyCurly: "Hey fellas! Look! It's the wrong seal!
ALL: Nayah ahh ahah ahah
HolyCurly: Wooboobooboo Wooboobooboo Wooboobooboo Woo
NKnorr: Why, I outa knock your brains out if you had any. This is all yor fault, you numbskull.
FFranz: I'm sorry Knoe please forgive me. Honestly I didnt know.
Nknorr: Ahh It's alright porcipine. *slap* Now spread out!
this is part of an apostate book i'm writing.
please tell me if the thought is coherent.
1. where does the bible say that only the governing body can understand the scriptures?.
This is part of an apostate book I'm writing. Please tell me if the thought is coherent.
1. Where does the bible say that only the Governing Body can understand the scriptures?
2. When in history has God?s word only been interpretable by a few select men?
3. Could the Pentateuch be interpreted only by the Governing Body? How about The Books of the Kings? The Psalms? The Prophets?
4. Since these books could be understood with out the help of the Governing Body in Israel and they make up the largest portion of the bible, do we only need the Governing Body?s help to understand the Greek Scriptures?
Muchos Gracias, I'm off to watch an all new The Simpsons
the march 2005 kingdom ministry brings up a full article about the awake only being published once a month, starting january 2006. .
but the fun thing is the roundabout way this change is announced.
knowing that the news would be a bitter pill to swallow (there should be a 'speeding up' of the preaching work, not a downsizing), the watchtower only announces the move to monthly publishing by the end of the article.
Im sorry, Im kinda dense please forgive. So is the Asleep! going to be published monthly in english and spanish too?
i seem to remember back in my jw days, a scripture that said something to the effect that if you publicly denounce jehover, you would never be forgiven of it?
i really want to bring this up to my ever-persistant family as a good reason for me not to come back to meetings and try to be reinstated.
i have already told them that i will never, ever, ever come back, that i don't even believe in god per-se.
The so called unforgivable sin is less of a singular act and more of a headstrong willful course which would put a person at odds or working against the 'Holy Spirit'. That is where the hardening of the heart comes in. Example an apostate could repent, but the likelihood of that is very low once they have rejected the range of the teachings of the Council of Brooklyin'. *I mean really, knowing what you know now, would you go back?* A liar could commit the unforgivable sin as well, becoming so hardened in his course so as to never come back. On the other hand since he could still have a soft spot for the Society's teachings it would be much more likely that he could repent and come back than if he were an apostate. Only Jehovah would know if you had commited an unforgivable sin. Anyone worred about it probably hasnt
OOps, What inbyathread said
Holy crap I think I just started my time for the morning of field svs!!!! :)