I got 5 !
Posts by holly
Real or a Hoax??
by morty in.
thought this was pretty interesting.... try it yourself and see what you think is real or a hoax.. i got 8 out of 10 right... http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_content/4462/real_or_hoax1.swf .
not sure if the link will work by clicking on it or not, but you can cut and paste it if need be...
Hi Everyone...I'm New
by exjwshell injust wanted to say hello to everyone on this forum.
i've "lurked" for quite some time, thought it was time make my first post.
my story is long and boring and too complicated to remember so the short version is this:.
Hello and welcome
Tough day -- my mom died today
by cruzanheart inpoor thing, she's had alzheimer's for about 10 years and the last year she's been on hospice care because she's been so close to death.
the past few months she's been slowly filling up with water -- they gave her lasix (not sure of the spelling) to relieve the edema and it worked, sort of.
last weekend she actually looked a little better.
So sorry to hear your very sad news. prayers are with you at this time.
What Annoys You???????
by minimus inone of my pet peeves is being behind a too slow driver.
it "drives" me crazy!
At my last job there was this plus-sized 18-year-old that was always wearing clothes that clearly didn't fit her. She would be wearing these tight blouses that made her gut hang out like a trucker with beer belly. So f**kin' gross, dude
I know exactly what you mean. i dont know how to say this in a politically correct way - is it wrong to call some one fat??!! anyway, bigger people used to cover up. now they let it all hang out. i wonder how they ever find someone who is attracted to them when they are wearing clothes and their stomaches are hanging out, lumpy and stretch marked.
In England kids are getting more and more overweight, and they still an wear little tight clothes, with big bellies and great big legs sticking out.
maybe im just getting old
I read somewhere on the Internet they want to ban religion! Is that true?
by inquirer ini didn't take much notice of it at the time, but i use to be apart of message board (jw one) and the webmaster provided a link to a web page.
i read it a little, and didn't take much notice of it at the time and thought it was corks.
but can anyone provide any links concerning this?
You cant ban religion - youd have to shoot everyone religious to do that ...........now theres a thought!
Smokers - How do you justify it to yourself?
by AlmostAtheist ini've been smoking since i quit being a witness.
i smoked for a week when i was 15, i quit when i started studying.
my "smoking" then was only a few cigarettes, i was by no means addicted.
i smoked pot when i was younger but never got addicted. i used to smoke 20 a day. i have given up and started again loads of times. the longest i gave up for was 6 years - got stressed and started again. this time ive been given up for over a year.
Its easy to start smoking when you are stressed. you kid yourself you will just have one to deal with the immediate stress, then before you know it, your smoking again. its also easy to start when you are happy. you think, i'll just have one to celebrate. everytime i go on holiday i have the strong urge to smoke, bec im relaxed and want to treat myself - that and the fact they are so much cheaper abroad than here in England.
What Annoys You???????
by minimus inone of my pet peeves is being behind a too slow driver.
it "drives" me crazy!
Drunk Americans. Especially the guys under 21 who head north because the drinking age in Canada is 19.
Never did understand that law in America. Cant drink alcholol until you are 21 but you can carry a gun?!
Head to Britain and you can drink alcohol at 18, and its illegal to carry a gun. a good thing i think or i may have shot someone by now!!
Please say hi to my 6 year old...this is his first post.
by FreedomFrog in.
hee hee hee hi i'm zach this is my frrst post
Hey Zac
Power of hte human mind-See if you can READ THIS.....................
by Jez ini cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdgnieg.
the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid.
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
hey that is just cool. i like it
Tell us about you
by kls inso many posters and most communicate either on this site or have the pleasure to meet in person and know much of some posters lives ,but for thos who don't ( like me ) let's share some of our lives with others,,, .
are you married or single?
= me married .
Are you married or single? = No, have partner
Do you have children ? = yes boy 17, girl 13
Do you have pets? = l cat, 2 parrots
What are your hobbies? = astronomy - love it!! stay up to watch lunar eclipses, freeze to death watching stars and saw the eclipse of the sun, 1999
Are you a grandparent? = Not yet, but im sure its easier than being a mother!
What would you like to share?? learning to love yourself, really is, the greatest love of all