I didn't take much notice of it at the time, but I use to be apart of message board (JW one) and the webmaster provided a link to a web page. I read it a little, and didn't take much notice of it at the time and thought it was corks. But can anyone provide any links concerning this? I wouldn't be surprised if this is true! They just ruin people's lifes -- no matter what church, no matter what religion. :(
I read somewhere on the Internet they want to ban religion! Is that true?
by inquirer 22 Replies latest jw friends
Was it something like this?
Would Effectively Ban Religion
Alert: Listeners and Readers: The UN was contacted and they say this is a HOAX!
A draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the United Nations in New York.
NEW YORK, NY (PRWEB) January 27, 2004 -- A draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the United Nations in New York.
The resolution is being proposed by Antony Last, founder of http://www.formulism.org , a site which claims that freedom FROM religion would be of far greater benefit to mankind than freedom OF religion.
Freedom from Religion | Proposed UN Resolution / Charter Amendment | Version 1.1
* to save succeeding generations from the scourge of organized religion, a folly which has brought untold sorrow to mankind through the division, hatred and conflict it engenders, and
* to reaffirm an individual's right to freedom of belief, freedom of conscience and freedom of prayer, and
* to establish conditions under which these freedoms can be privately exercised.
1. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the public _expression of religious beliefs, including the use of symbols, clothing or markings which are synonymous with any currently or previously existing religions.
2. To outlaw, with immediate effect, public acts of worship or religious declaration.
3. To outlaw, with immediate effect, private gatherings of three or more people for the purposes of engaging in acts of worship or religious services.
4. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the publication of books, literature or articles which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine.
5. To outlaw, after a period of amnesty, the personal ownership of books or materials which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine. (Books of academic or social interest will be made freely available to schools, universities and public libraries).
6. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the celebration of religiously significant dates.
7. To begin, with immediate effect, the destruction or reassignment of predominantly religious buildings, such as churches, mosques and temples.
For further information, see:
http://www.formulism.org/news.html (now unavailable the last I checked)
United Nations Contact Information
Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General
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Wow! Thanks for that, blondie. I don't remember this web site. But I reckon they'll go ahead with it oneday.
But what will happen to Bibles? Will they take that off me because it looks like I have an affinity with Christianity? :( -
There is no "they".
Nobody is trying to get rid of religion.
You swallowed a hoax, inquirer.
Oh please, inquirer, it was just a hoax.
Inquirer, you must need glasses. I tried to highlight this
Alert: Listeners and Readers: The UN was contacted and they say this is a HOAX!
It is a hoax. Please note when I highlight something like this because it is important.
Boy, oh boy ... armageddon's gonna be right around the corner if the beast is turning on the harlot like this. I'd better start going to meetings again.
... but wouldn't it be great?
I remember John Lennon to "imagine" a planet without religions and I always liked that idea.
the governing body probably wrote it.HAHA
Alert: Listeners and Readers: The UN was contacted and they say this is a HOAX!
It is a hoax. Please note when I highlight something like this because it is important.
So what are you trying to tell us here... that there is a possibility that this isn't true? Why would the UN joke about something like this when they have so many serious issues going on right now?