We're having goodie night next week at the book study at our house.
Problem is most people either resent it or just miss the meeting because no one wants to hang around longer than they have to.
i haven't started a thread in some time but this is something that has got me thinking.
i want to know if i'm off-base here or if others have noticed this too.is.. over the last several months (perhaps 6-9) i feel that the tone of the wts and kms have been very strong.
not strong in the sense of legalistic do's and don'ts but strong in the sense of do more!!!!
We're having goodie night next week at the book study at our house.
Problem is most people either resent it or just miss the meeting because no one wants to hang around longer than they have to.
i don't have my wt library cd rom with me and i could use the text right now.. .
thanks in advance!.
Apparently based on the Kingdom Interlinear, the same Greek word is rendered differently in these scriptures. Sneaky on the part of the WT:
(Acts 15:29) 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols (Greek:eudolothutos) and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!"
(1 Corinthians 8:1,4,7) "Now concerning foods offered to idols: we know we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. 4 Now concerning the eating of foods offered to idols (Greek:eudolothutos), we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no God but one. 7 Nevertheless, there is not this knowledge in all persons; but some, being accustomed until now to the idol, eat food as something sacrificed to an idol, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled."
(1 Cor. 8:10) "For if anyone should see you, the one having knowledge, reclining at a meal in an idol temple, will not the conscience of that one who is weak be built up to the point of eating foods offered to idols? (Greek:eudolothutos)"
Is that same greek word (eudolothutos) also used in 1 Corinthians chapter 10?
I don't have a NWT or Kingdom Interliniear with me but I could certainly use the knowledge.
and i think that the wts's "waters are drying up".
we had two congregations meet and the hall still wasn't full!
i noticed a change in the talk from last year.
I remember them going to GREAT lengths to show that Jesus initiated the memorial AFTER Judas had been given his walking papers
yet the combined gospels accounts clearly contradicts this showing Judas was still there and only left AFTERWARDS
Is there an explanation of this that I can read somewhere? I would LOVE to read it.
i don't have my wt library cd rom with me and i could use the text right now.. .
thanks in advance!.
I don't have my WT Library CD ROM with me and I could use the text right now.
Thanks in advance!
lets put all of our memorial stories/thoughts on one thread.
mine: 45 mins.
quick and boring.
Couple things I noticed this year that stood out as opposed to when I went in the past:
It seems less a celebration and more like an annual recruiting effort.
No mention of the "Organization" in anything. All about Jesus. Good PR for people that don't know any better and good reassurance to the rank and file that Jesus is still in there ... somewhere.
The speaker (our Circuit Overseer) gave the free home bible study commercial at the end and a promo of the special talk in a couple weeks.
One line in his commercial was, "If you want to have a relationship with God, we encourage you to take the offer for a free home bible study." (Implying anyone not a Jehovah's Witness does not have a relationship with God.)
preparing myself for a little confrontation that may come up.
when i look at ajwrb.org site quote the following awake!
and then make some editorial comments.
Preparing myself for a little confrontation that may come up. When I look at AJWRB.ORG site quote the following Awake! and then make some editorial comments
Awake!, 08/22/1965 p. 18
Is the RhIG shot made from blood?
Yes. The antibodies that make up the shot are harvested from the blood of individuals who have become immunized or sensitized to the Rh factor.... .Genetically-engineered RhIG not derived from blood may become available in the future.
Can the Christian conscientiously take RhIG?
....This journal and its companion, The Watchtower,have commented consistently on the matter*. ....some Christians have concluded that to them it does not seem a violation of Bible law..." The decision whether to take RhIG remains finally, though, a matter for each Christian couple to decide conscientiously.
*See The Watchtower of June 1, 1990, pages 30, 31; June 15, 1978, pages 30, 31; and How Can Blood Save Your Life?, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. - Awake 12/8/94 p. 27. Awake 12/8/94 p. 23-26 -Emphasis added
AWJRB Note: The writer of this article has forgotten that the RhIG injection was forbidden until 1974, and still discouraged until 1978. Incidentally, the injection requires that your blood be cross matched and typed, and you receive the same band on your wrist that other blood transfusion recipients wear. You and your baby may accept the shot or any of the other blood serums, hemophiliac preparations or albumin. The Watchtower says "Go ahead and dip into the blood supply if you care to. But don't even think about contributing to the blood supply."
However, when I look through the earlier references on that same page I can find no reference to RhIG ANYWHERE. I was just curious if maybe Rh IG (Immuno globulin) was a blood serum, so the editorial comments are speaking of RhIG specifically. I have done Google searches on RhIG and haven't found any medical stuff to confirm it for me.
Is Rh IG injections a form of blood serum and that is why AJWRB.org says that in their editorial comment (in red)?
according to the ajwbr.org website, it says.
"june 15th 2004: the june 15th watchtower expands on the june 15, 2000 article.
for the first time, the rank and file jehovah's witness learns that the single largest blood component (hemoglobin) is now permitted as a matter of personal choice.
I agree with Blues Brother. I will look at the actual magazine when I get home. I don't believe it specifically mentions hemoglobin anywhere. I believe that chart from Blondie assumes hemoglobin-based serums (or whatever). I'll check in a couple hours and report back.
according to the ajwbr.org website, it says.
"june 15th 2004: the june 15th watchtower expands on the june 15, 2000 article.
for the first time, the rank and file jehovah's witness learns that the single largest blood component (hemoglobin) is now permitted as a matter of personal choice.
Doh! OK. Thanks. I must have panicked and not read it.
This was an interesting discussion I had with the person I spoke with. I will discuss later in Private Discussion list.
according to the ajwbr.org website, it says.
"june 15th 2004: the june 15th watchtower expands on the june 15, 2000 article.
for the first time, the rank and file jehovah's witness learns that the single largest blood component (hemoglobin) is now permitted as a matter of personal choice.
They mention every other fraction in that article but there is no mention of hemoglobin. The word hemoglobin does not exist in that article.
according to the ajwbr.org website, it says.
"june 15th 2004: the june 15th watchtower expands on the june 15, 2000 article.
for the first time, the rank and file jehovah's witness learns that the single largest blood component (hemoglobin) is now permitted as a matter of personal choice.
I have the original magazine from 2004. I don't believe there is a bound volume or CDROM version yet.