1. Do you still believe in a God
A. Yes
2. Have you joined another religion
A. Yes, I'm a Methodist
3. Do you still believe in a bible or a Holy book?
A. Yes, I do believe in the Bible
4. Are burned out on religion?
A. I don't like "religion" in the strictest sense of the word, nor do I like all the what I call "churchyanity" type of stuff. Everyone has to have their own personal relationship with God
5. Do you trust others who talk about God, Jesus and religious stuff?
A. Trust? It depends who they are and how well I know them! Just because they claim to be religious or Christian doesn't make them trustworthy in my book. I just use my own common sense on judging people.
6. For you who still believe in a God is your worship corprate or private?
A. Mostly private, although I attend a Methodist church for fellowship.
Reguarding other Teansindental Matters:
7. Do you believe in truth?
A. Yes
8. Is truth absolute?
A. Hmmmmm
9. Are ethics and morals absolute or relative and arbratrary?
A. I believe that God wants us to live according to His laws--HOWEVER-- If we don't then I believe he is very merciful and forgiving.