I'm almost positive he was. I remember reading on a BS DB about his history and he being an elder. I could be wrong. If anyone else knows different or if RR reads this he can confirm or correct this.
JoinedPosts by zeroday
Investigated the Dawn Bible Society (Russellites)
by orangefatcat insince investigating the history of the society i thought i would do research on the dawn bible society to others known as the russellites.
today in the mail i recieved a booklet and it is all about pastor russell his life and what happened after he died and the split from the watchtowe society.
some great reading and a real eye opener to the truth of the breakoff .
Investigated the Dawn Bible Society (Russellites)
by orangefatcat insince investigating the history of the society i thought i would do research on the dawn bible society to others known as the russellites.
today in the mail i recieved a booklet and it is all about pastor russell his life and what happened after he died and the split from the watchtowe society.
some great reading and a real eye opener to the truth of the breakoff .
Bible Students are heavy into creature worship (no need to flame, only my opinion). Take Russell out of the picture and there is no movement.
Investigated the Dawn Bible Society (Russellites)
by orangefatcat insince investigating the history of the society i thought i would do research on the dawn bible society to others known as the russellites.
today in the mail i recieved a booklet and it is all about pastor russell his life and what happened after he died and the split from the watchtowe society.
some great reading and a real eye opener to the truth of the breakoff .
Investigated the Dawn Bible Society (Russellites)
by orangefatcat insince investigating the history of the society i thought i would do research on the dawn bible society to others known as the russellites.
today in the mail i recieved a booklet and it is all about pastor russell his life and what happened after he died and the split from the watchtowe society.
some great reading and a real eye opener to the truth of the breakoff .
RR is an exJW elder who joined the Bible Students.
Investigated the Dawn Bible Society (Russellites)
by orangefatcat insince investigating the history of the society i thought i would do research on the dawn bible society to others known as the russellites.
today in the mail i recieved a booklet and it is all about pastor russell his life and what happened after he died and the split from the watchtowe society.
some great reading and a real eye opener to the truth of the breakoff .
Russell's view of armageddon was not to far different than the JW's. Studies in the Scriptures volume 2 "The Time is at Hand" page 101:
"Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878 and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" which will end in A.D. 1915, with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's Word."
Jehovah's Witness Oddities
by minimus ini now enjoy telling people about the things jehovah's witnesses can and cannot do.
for instance, witnesses can work in a store that sells lottery tickets and tobacco but they can't own the store themselves.....whole blood is forbidden to be transfused yet blood fractions are acceptable.
donating blood in any form is wrong but accepting blood fractions is a conscience matter.........can you think of other jw oddities????
Oddity Number 2:
In 1980 I had a cousin also a witness, married a brother and almost from the start the verbal and physical abuse began. The Elders would never step in and help. Well, one can be beaten to pulp so many times and she left him and had an affair with another elder. Absoultely no mercy was shown to her at all and she was DF'ed. Fast forward 24 years to 2004. Her brother also a witness and a very self rightous elder has been married to this sister for 30 years. Although he did not physically abuse her the verbal and mental abuse was overwelming. Again a person can only take so much and she divorces him. Not a spiritual divorce mind you. He steps down as elder and falls into a deep depression. Imaging your whole control environment disappearing over night. No longer a high flying self rightous elder, overbearing husband where your every whem is answered to and striped away of any prominance in the cong. He meets a single divorced sister and seduces her and they wind up in bed. They run to the elders and cry etc. His defence is he had not intention of divorceing his wife and she had no right to deny him his marriage bed, if you know what I mean. Well, being a "Good old Boy", exelder etc. They only public reprove him and allow them to get married. Can you say "Double Standard"?
Jehovah's Witness Oddities
by minimus ini now enjoy telling people about the things jehovah's witnesses can and cannot do.
for instance, witnesses can work in a store that sells lottery tickets and tobacco but they can't own the store themselves.....whole blood is forbidden to be transfused yet blood fractions are acceptable.
donating blood in any form is wrong but accepting blood fractions is a conscience matter.........can you think of other jw oddities????
I worked at a major grocery chain store. Xmas came around and the store manager wanted me to help put up xmas decorations. I explained to him my belief system and why I could not put them up in good concience. Well to make a long story short I almost got fired over it. Well, we had 2 elders in our hall. Arrogant self rightous Elder 1 and 2, both worked for an apartment complex as maintance personal. I even approached them as what to do in this situation and basically it was up to my concience. Come to find out, who do you think put up the xmas lights and decorations at the apartment complexes they worked at. You guessed it. Apparently it did not bother their conciences. Especially when it came to their jobs. Concience is a very subjective thing.
What would you do if...
by zeroday inif you are da'd or df'd and an elder from your former hall ran into you in public and tried to engage you in conversation, what would you do.
would you talk to them or shun them as the rank and file are required to you.
i would walk away without even acknowledging their existence.
Let's just say it's giving them a taste of their own medicine.
What would you do if...
by zeroday inif you are da'd or df'd and an elder from your former hall ran into you in public and tried to engage you in conversation, what would you do.
would you talk to them or shun them as the rank and file are required to you.
i would walk away without even acknowledging their existence.
If you are Da'd or Df'd and an Elder from your former hall ran into you in public and tried to engage you in conversation, what would you do. Would you talk to them or shun them as the rank and file are required to you. I would walk away without even acknowledging their existence. To me it works both ways.
When were the dubs last in your area?
by ozziepost in.
it seems that the visiting witnessing group is becoming an endangered species - rarely seen.. is that your experience?.
when were the dubs last in your area?
If you live in Brooklyn I'll assure you won't see one of the GB come to your doors. It's the ole "Do as I say and not as I do" thing.