If you are Da'd or Df'd and an Elder from your former hall ran into you in public and tried to engage you in conversation, what would you do. Would you talk to them or shun them as the rank and file are required to you. I would walk away without even acknowledging their existence. To me it works both ways.
What would you do if...
by zeroday 14 Replies latest jw friends
I would, and *have* told them to 'bite me'. lol But that's just me...
It depends. I would probably chat a bit, but if they brought anything up about dubland I would probably walk away.
If this elder was one I respeced and was nice to me then I would be glad to talk to him. If he had treated me unkindly I would be polite but probably cool and excuse myself. Either way I think the most important thing would be to avoid seeming intimidated or acting hateful in return.
LOL --- Punk the dub....
This is my favorite form of entertainment....love to greet them like long lost friends in public....loudly and so anyone nearby can hear....ask them how the UN thing is working out for them....mention any new tid bit that I've learned here on JWD that is coming up in a future meeting...like the changes to the awake or the new book and DF wording coming later this month (they are always amazed that I know more about the org than they do LOL). I like to ask them how my family is and make it a point to say that I need to ask them since the org continues to tell them to shun me.
They usually can't get away from me fast enough and it gives me a chance to explain about the cult to the people nearby when they look at me puzzled as to what just happened.
There's one elder that I see from time to time around town. He has always been a kind and loving soul, I always speak with him. The others though, I do not acknowledge.
I was at a pub a couple summers ago. Two 'brothers' were there, we knew each other growing up. They were slightly buzzed, asked me to sit down and have a beer with them.
So I sat down, and grilled them on what they were doing in a tavern drinking, weren't they intoxicated, etc. They laughed, and said 'You don't really care'. I laughed and said 'Yes, I do'. Then told them (nicely) that it was all a big racket and hyprocisy and I just don't get you guys. How do you all have the guts to shun me, when you have been partying like this for the past 25 years? See ya later!
I would walk away without even acknowledging their existence. To me it works both ways.
you might think acting like that is your 'choice' but really it just the org controlling you.
i wouldn't care to be honest. if they (a jw) want to engage, i would engage, if they didn't, i wouldn't, who cares, why try to play their games if you're not one of them?
Let's just say it's giving them a taste of their own medicine.
I am unbaptised and left amicably so they have no reason not to talk to me. Recently though I have though of selective DAing. There are some who are genuine family friends and nice people, there again many only give lip service to politeness and even thought I was raised a dub, feel the need to inform me of there beliefs. Then again there?s the smarmy elders, ok one smarmy elder I have a problem with and his smarmy son (now a replica smarmy elder). I think some manner of oral test would be in order and if they fail then I?ll announce to my self they?ve been disassociated from me. On maybe a stick on badge of some sort. At those awful family get together that they insist on turning up at I could go around sticking them on the ones I don?t like saying ?your dead to me, and you, your dead to me too?. I wonder if they would find it strange behaviour seeing as its what they do themselves?
A normal chat but with enthusiasm.