my father took a lot of photos on my baptism's day... but his camera was empty!!!
so, i've never seen any photos of it...
anyway, that was a catholic baptism, not a JW one...
my father took a lot of photos on my baptism's day... but his camera was empty!!!
so, i've never seen any photos of it...
anyway, that was a catholic baptism, not a JW one...
i was born into the jw religion for 16 years.
7 years after i left, i accepted christ as my personal savior.
best move yet!
hi checkmate!!
and welcome to the board!!!
men must have short hair in the org.. does this mean that sisters can have their hair as long as they want?.
i didn't know the society told anything about long hair or not...
personnaly, i do have long hair, but not so long!!!
i think i've finally left the jw's.
i have not been an active member since 2000, but always thought i would go back.
the problem (or solution) has been that i started to reason on how the true god or super being really viewed mankind.
welcome on the board clare!!
hi i am a newbie!!
i dont want to put a big post about my life here just yet, because, well, its just not that interesting!
i am here to learn, meet new people and find a bit about myself.
welcome!!!! i hope you'll enjoy this forum!!
hi guys and gals....... .
i would just like to extend greetings to all those poor souls who had to endure the torturous childhood of growing up in a strict jw lifestyle as i had.
i didn't know that there were such forums on the net, and i was made aware of this by my sister who is also a member here, i believe.. i find this kind of funny really.
welcome on the board!!!
hi everyone, my name is melissa.this site is the best!
i used to be a member on this forum a couple years ago, but have since list all my past information.
but alas, i have returned.
Hello Melissa!!!
welcome on the board!!! i'm sure you'll enjoy it!!!
welcome to the board!
and happy birthday.
welcome on the board tenebreux!!!
and.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
you ever have that time... that week where just everything goes right?.
this is the week.
i love life..
happy to hear that fmz!!!
golf, i love your phrase : "life is what you make it". i totally agree with you, but we do forget it so many times...!!
i don't talk about my family very much on here, but today i feel i have to, because today after all the years of pushing, finally there is a result.. thanks to life & the universe and everyone on jwd, who by simply existing have helped in a way that i don't know how to write.. today is the day my mom stopped going to meetings.. i won't go into loads of detail at this point because it's very involved, but it's done.
my dad is an elder and is still going, but my mom is out now.. thanks
that is so good dh!!!!!!!!!! i feel very happy for you!!