Hi there everybody!
I think I've finally left the JW's. I have not been an active member since 2000, but always thought I would go back. The problem (or solution) has been that I started to reason on how the true God or super being really viewed mankind. Is it free will when you are faced with giving up smoking or die? I don't think so. If Jesus died so that sinners could be saved then it was all a bit pointless because according to JW's it's only them who are saved, and of course they are practically perfect! Consequently, I believe that if the end does come EVERYONE will have the opportunity to live. If the pharisees made over 600 laws over and above the law they were given and were condemned for it, why do JW's make all sorts of little laws (and serious ones) like what colour shirt you should wear on a platform, the clothes you wear in general, your grooming, how you use your money etc? We are quite able on our own to work out things on our own. But this was only the beginning for me. I still believe in God, but I believe in personal freedom along with it. Not in the sense of just doing what we want; we are educated in the world about the dangers of behaving in certain ways and the consequences of it, but in that we take personal responsibility for our actions; after all we were given brains to use, not for someone to use them for us!
I think what finally did it for me apart from the horrendous time I had whilst a member (and to be fair I had some great times too), was their connection with the UN (despite the claim that this association was for research purposes), the tobacco connection, how they encourage you to 'keep things in the congregation' for them to deal with situations that should be reported to the police (since they are, like all of us, subject to the superior authorities), and how the 'counsel' they give can at times lead to great mental suffering. Their actions are sometimes more like the evil slave' than the FDS! That said I have always thought that there would be something else at the time of the end, since these people according to the bible will stand out from all the others, which JW's certainly do not. On a more balanced note, there are still many good and genuine people who are still members; just like in all religions. Additionally, they have performed good works at times.
I still feel a bit 'cut loose' so to speak, but I am thinking more fairly and independantly than ever before. I am not bitter because I think the JW's were there for a purpose. It's like going to school, but eventually you grow up and go to university and learn how to be an independant learner, making your own decisions. Presently, I think that they have lost God's blessing. Look in the bible and you will see that this has happened quite a few times before. Additionally, many of the faithful were in fact not Jews; God has used all sorts of people, and nations to do his will.
Well, that's all from me. Maybe you think I should not believe in God at all, but I find no need to 'chuck the baby out with the bathwater' because of my bad experiences with the JW's. It's not the case that I need a belief to lean on in life, but just that I do believe there is something out there, and if there is I want to know about it. I apologise if I have sounded too 'preachy'.