It was a rainy night. As the meeting was about to start the brother asked everyone to take a seat. This is usually the time everyone is talking and on this night it was pretty loud. The brother asked again. Everyone kept on talking. The brother asked everyone to take their seat again. Suddenly there was a huge clap of thunder that shook the hall. Dead silence. " Now will everyone take a seat?" Everyone burst out laughing.
JoinedPosts by bronzefist
What made your whole congregation laugh during a meeting?????????
by cindykp ini only have one that comes to mind.
a sister was visiting our hall from another congregation and was sitting in the back of the hall.
she raised her hand to answer a question, but only had one finger in the air.
Goodbye everyone
by holly inits time to leave.
i have had all the answers i need to make a firm decision.
thank you so much everyone for your replies, for talking to me over the last few weeks and for some of the humour.. i believe the jws are right and that they have the truth.
See ya Holly. No Matter where you go there you are.
I'm new here, and don't agree with everything I read on his forum.....however; I feel EVERYONE has a right to freely speak what's on their mind.I wasn't able to do that at the KH. I'm stll waiting for a knock on my door by two elders because I may get "caught" posting on this sight. What a joke......if that's not shades of 1984 what is?
Old Friend Disfellowshipped - Would Like Advice
by adelmaal ini have been away from "the truth" for quite some time (about 6 years) and i heard from my daughter and friend the other day that someone i knew back when had recently been disfellowshipped.
he was actually one of the elders on my original committee when i was having drama with that religion.
he was a good guy, always having gatherings at his house (superbowl, etc.
I'd be cautious at this point. Speaking from experience.
Jehovah's Witnesses...... A Connection still...
by ScoobySnax inwhen you bump into a jw who you've known previously, do you still feel any connection at all?.
i seem to be a magnet for them at local supermarkets, i always stop and chat and can't help still feeling such a connection with them.
they were my "brothers and sisters" after all.
How can you NOT feel a connection with people you've spent all that time with? If you spent any amount of time in the organization and then say "Every person I ever met was a piece of crap." Everything I was ever taught was crap. Who really has the problem? I'm just saying. Nothing personal.
While people are being "trained" in any it the army (not JW's)...police department( not JW's)...ect, they usually will not question things. Why did all those people drink the poisoned kool-aid? Or give it to their kids? Some were shot because they refused. So they couldn't have all been "dubs". Saying they were also a "cult" is a cop out. Again just saying. My opinion.
There are good and bad people in every facet of life. Please don't tell me everyone you ever met outside the organization treated you like a King or Queen.
Ask yourself. "What makes me different."
Were You Affected By Racism In The Congregation???
by minimus ini grew up in an inner city area with many ethnic groups.
i saw very little racism or prejudice in the hall.
i'm wondering if my experience is isolated.
The only times I've seen prejudice shown toward other Witnesses was when English speaking elders would deride the Spanish (Puerto Rican) congregation that shared the KH. I second this. Over heard the PO say, "They (with that know) weren't paying their half of the expenses." I was the literature servant and was told not to give them any english literature. I got what ever I asked for from them....they were glad to help. Also heard a couple of other comments by some about the spanish....nothing overt though. I did hear a visiting elder use the word colored people in his talk one Sunday. I think most people bring their "baggage" in with them. This hall was on a mostly white / spanish side of town.
Hi Everyone...I'm New
by exjwshell injust wanted to say hello to everyone on this forum.
i've "lurked" for quite some time, thought it was time make my first post.
my story is long and boring and too complicated to remember so the short version is this:.
WELCOME exjwshell. "And the Cheeseheads shall inherit the earth."
by sweet tee inthis is my first forum post though i've been out here reading yours for a while.
i didn't know how to post my bio.
i became a jdub at the age of 16. i had a child out-of-wedlock who was 1 year old at the time and i was searching for answers - i wanted my son to have a future and the one the witnesses portrayed was better than anything i'd ever heard!
Welcome.... sweet tee.
What's your greatest coincidence?
by ozziepost inwell, haven't you had things happen and you just know they're not accidental ...... or are they?
some people don't 'believe' there are such things as coincidences but whatever, what's the greatest of coincidences that has ever happened to you?
kinda like "what's the most coincidental of coincidences", eh?
One day I smell this overpowering scent of blood.( I think I was told sometime later that there is a plant that gives off a scent of blood.) Anyway I mentioned it to my wife, but she didn't smell it. A few weeks later I get a phone call late at night. It's a reporter and she says she's sorry about my loss. Would I be willing to give a her a little information about my sister. I asked her what in the world she was talking about. She got real quiet..said she was sorry and hung up. The next call was from the police. My sister was a police recruit and was shot by her boyfriend she was about to break up with. He was a cop and shot my sister in the back, while my niece was watching, and then killed himself. Hence the call from the was a big story in the papers for a while. Not only did I have to ID my sister's body but also had to go to her apartment to clean up all the blood and body tissue.
What I remember from 1975
by Big Dog insince i am sort of late to the party this has probably been beaten to death and if it has just kick this thread to the curb.
i was 11 years old in 1975 and i remember being scared silly the whole year.
i mean there was so much hype about it and the tension in the air was so thick it was unreal.
My ex wife joined in early 1974. I was opposed. I remember her telling me that something BIG was going to happen in 1975. She tried her best to get me to go to the meetings even to the point of tears. She told me she didn't want me to die. I also worked with a brother that was totally upset about the 1975 fiasco. He said a lot of people sold their homes and quit their jobs to spend all their time out in service to better the chances they would be spared. It stumbled him.
The WTS apologizing for something??? Can I see that in writing as the saying goes. I remember articles like some were jumping ahead of the organization explaining 1975 away. Blaming others not themselves. for show me the WT article stating that 1975 would be the end. I say, if this mistaken mindset was so wide spread with so many kind hearted friends, show me the WT article telling these people to calm down nothing was going to happen in 1975. Don't be selling your homes, or quitting your jobs, or sending all your money to the organization. Ok maybe that last one would have been left out.
A little more about me
by Ticker inhello everyone, you have probably read some of my posts but i wish to tell a little more about my story, not all of it but just to give a mindset of where i stand and how i feel.. i had been a witness since childhood as i had been indoctrinated at a very young age by a zealous grandmother who had devoted her life to an organization.
like i had stated before i have come to realize she was serving a image of god created for her consumption by imperfect men, but none the less i know she meant well in her actions.
i have always had a good heart toword others and god, and though at times it troubles me to think of how i used to carry the jw mindset of judging others viewpoints and faith, not intentionally but because of being molded into such a form through misdirected thinking.
Took the time to read your entire post. Your family has been officially added to the Kicked to the Curb group. Welcome to the " Millions Living Will Not Die" group. The words are different but the story remains the same.