Since I am sort of late to the party this has probably been beaten to death and if it has just kick this thread to the curb.
I was 11 years old in 1975 and I remember being scared silly the whole year. I mean there was so much hype about it and the tension in the air was so thick it was unreal. Every night my mom and dad watched the news for signs of the big A being kicked off. They told me how bad it was likely to get and how really bad things could happen to us and that I needed to be ready for that. I remember having nightmares with images of fire and destruction dancing in my head. I remember freaking out at some thunderstorms when the sky got really dark and wondering to myself if any of my petty sins and indescretions (at 11 that was about all I was capable of) were enough to see me destroyed.
Any of you other oldersters out there remember this kind of stuff? How did you feel about it? I do sort of remember being pretty bent after it came and went for having to live through a year of terror.