Ok, I was told by the sevice overseer that a Br. Brown, who was a representative of the GB, told the elders attending the most recent local elders meeting that seperated couples can no longer Aux. Pioneer. I was told that this was NOT a local position and applied to ALL the congregations. It was NOT a personal viewpoint but came DIRECTLY from the GB. It had to do with how the congregation as a whole viewed those who were seperated. They each could be in "good standing" BUT their seperation causes "stumbling" because the seperation is not being "solved" by the couple.
Plus there is a HUGE increase in couples in the organization going the seperation route. My guess is that the GB is hoping this will stem the "floodgates". The Aux Pioneer thing is onlly a paper thing to begin with, but some feel that if they are "announced" as Aux Pioneers they will not be viewed as the "guilty" party of the seperation decision between them and their spouse.
I do not believe the CHANGE will be openly announced to the entire congregation. As soon as those who are seperated find out they are barred from this "privledge" more will know by word of mouth.
There are six individuals barred in my congregation and four in the adjoining congregation.The elders are pusing HARD for individuals to file for LEGAL SEPERATION if at all possible. The grounds for legal seperation are similar as those for divorce. Abuse, non support or spirirtual indangerment.