Welcome dagney
Feel free to express yourself. Here you can.
i've been reading here for a while now.
i kept having problems logging in...so i hope that is over now.. i'm a fader, 5 years this summer.
my family came in in the 30's, and most all still are in... po's, elders, reg pios, pillars...you know the story.
Welcome dagney
Feel free to express yourself. Here you can.
what things happened at your meetings that annoyed you?.
was it at a hall ya visited?
did it happen more than once?.
Most annoying.................
A white "brother" talking to a black couple. " I know you two will be happy in the "new order" when you get to go back to Africa,"
my two sisters did the right thing, pioneering straight out of school, janitoring to pay for the petrol (one didn't even bother with her final year of school).
it was this kind of fine example that got me guilt-tripped into auxiliary pioneering just after getting baptised at age 20. i only lasted six months; i took a holiday in queensland and returned not knowing much more about life but at least that it's bigger than my little congregation.
i despised the field service, i dreaded the daily schedule and every morning i was on my way out there was this awful countdown from the alarm going off to the first door opening, knowing that it's just a big setup to another depressing humiliation.
I pioneered for 2 years even though I hated the door to door work.
Never had a chance to go to the school though because I was a working dad and had three kids to take care of. Quit because I started to see pioneers being treated as special compared to others. I know....I know..... I didn't notice it before....... I had the blinders on.
i think a big change is due soon for jehovah's witnesses and it will come about because of changes from the top.
all it will take is two men on the governing body who somehow convince the rest to implement these three changes , for starters i see this:.
#1- they eliminate all rules and guidelines on all medical practices.
I agree that these things will occur....but not in my lifetime. This organization will change not because the FDS gives a damn about the common member. but they will be FORCED to make the changes because of dwindling membership. Of course they will make the claim that the light got brighter. People will cry out in joy because FINALLY in the year 3674 this system of things will end. Well..............................maybe.
i think it's all about fear.
they are always afraid of displeasing jehovah god, the elders, the circuit overseer.
witnesses are always walking on eggshells, hoping that they'll be good enough to make it thru the great tribulation.
Fear of displeasing Jehovah is a card that is always played from the platform. People are so afraid of dying.They don't want the pleasures of being alive to end...ever.
I once asked a "sister" if she would continue to do the things that Jehovah demanded of her if she would absolutely NOT be given everlasting life. She thought about it for a few minutes, then said......no.
Religion is a web spun by the spider. Many people will agree that they are caught in the web. They avert their eyes when the spider eats its prey.
lets say a brother or sister loses their job, falls on welfare, doesn't have enough to eat.
what do the elders do?
a) tell them that the organization is not a place to beg but to preach, to give and not to receive.
I came back to my "home congregation" after losing my job in another city. I got zero help from the elders. Some true friends helped me with food and such. The elders didn't give a damn. By the way one of those elders that didn't give a damn was my fleshly brother.
the thread about got me thinking about my very early childhood, back when witnesses were allowed to be social and have get togethers.
they also had a piano in every congregation i ever attended, and an older sister would always play the kingdom melody.
there was actual singing - not mindless droning and humming.
I came in post piano ban. I remember seeing one at a hall...just sitting there all lonley and neglected. Just like the less important ones in the congregation. I loved it when the wrong song was played. People didn't know what to do....sing the wrong song or "whisper sing" through the correct one. Funny times.
Gary your post RULES!!
i went down to help my daughter move back here and while there i stopped by the kh.
they were cleaning up the lawn and parking lot.
another car drove up beside me about the time i got out.
I always look at my time as a JW as the good...the bad...and the ugly. Lots of fun times and a few good people.I totally understand why you would'nt run away from an oppurtunity to talk.
each year name badges are handed out at the kingdom halls for those attending the upcoming district convention.
i have always refused to wear one but this was not a major issue as i would say only about 50% wore them anyway.
however i noticed that as the years went by more and more 'brothers' were wearing them including during the lunch break in the city centre concerned.
I'm from the same area as Blondie and I've never seen anyone raise a stink about badges as you enter the site. It doesn't make sense to invite the general public who have no access to badges then question them as to why they're not wearing one.
My guess is that it was a local "security" thing. Asking to name your congregation was only to verify you weren't who ever they were TOLD to be concerned about. The beligerent "brother" was just an idiot not letting a "sister" have the upper hand. The whole troublemaker line was uncalled for. Perhaps you should have replied," I'm the same kind of troublemaker Jesus was to the Pharisees."
2 sheets of paper towel for hand drying, controlled use of toilet paper, don't dawdle while in the stall, covered mirrors, what next?.
how about maximum of 2 trips to the bathroom per day otherwise you are written up by brother bathroom monitor.
if more than that you are put on cleaning duty after the day's sessions are done.. .
I heard the one paper towel suggestion at an assembly a couple of years ago. It was announced during one of the stand up and listen as we tell you all the important things you need to know before we let you sit down again interludes.( I always thought it was funny how people wouldn't sit down UNTIL they were told to do so.)
Anyway I knew "brothers" and "sisters" whose "privledge" it was to resuppy the tp and paper towels, and asked about the change. Each and every one proudly stated that it was about time they clamped down on the toliet paper and paper towel abusers. Yep..they were on a mission from god and damn proud to do their part in ridding the world of toilet paper and paper towel abusers.Something they could tell the important Bible characters about when they welcomed them back from their long sleep I suppose.