Hi, I was looking through this website. And it never ceases to amaze me what I hear. I was up late one night so pissed off (although I dont know why) My story
I was raised in the religion since I was 5 yrs.old. But lets just get to the point.....Married at 18 yrs.old which was very common in the 80's. Was a good witness and married in the religion. Married a man that lived a double life. Perfect at the Kingdom Hall and things were hell at home.....but I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that. Needless to say I stuck it out for 18 LONG years....because, you know.....divorce and all. Finally wised up (a little late if I may say) Divorced and met a really nice person and we moved in together, ex and an elder suspected......plot thickens...camp outsite my apartment and saw us both leaving, got numerous calls to meet with the elders, finally did it and got DF (never been happier about that) so to make a long story longer....My ex is remarried and .....( whom was in to porno our whole marriage) is now an elder!! I dont know why this upsets me so. My family who more than half have left the religion now...but not technically DF'ed....but in the standards should be, can associate with everyone no questions asked. What has brought me to this forum and searching the web one night is that my niece is getting married and everyone is invited except me....( I know feeling sorry for myself) I am happier than ever, in a great marriage....no hypocricy, (kids are scewed up though) because of what happened...they are not in the religion either, a lot of anger towards dad and all. But being raised in that atmospher and hypocracy does a number. So I was wondering is there a chat room? I was looking through everything and saw a lot of e-mails but didnt see anything about IM. Can you help me on that. I hope to hear from someone.
in KC