right now I"m sitting here and lifting dumbbells, 15 lbs each. not much but it keeps me in tone I do a regime of six types of lifts in a cycle at 15 times each. rest one minute do the cycle again, between each type i rest 15-20 seconds. can lift a grunch of weight in a few minutes. after that i do the same with 10lbs earch arm so space that out every other day and do a recombent bicycle twice daily too. I got a long way to go. But its enjoyable.
JoinedPosts by buffalosrfree
Any fitness gurus out there
by Leander inwell since i've made up my mind to take control of my life by leaving the borg i also want to get myself back in shape.
a few years ago i wass 6'1, about 205 (all muscle) with less than 10% bodyfat.
today lets just say that i need to get back into a serious workout regimine.. .
A really, really weird question......
by VioletAnai inok, don't think i'm nuts, but i have a rather personal question to ask you.
it's just that i saw a kid do this and i've never seen it in my life, and then a friend told me it happens to her too...every time.... ok, so the question is:.
do you shed tears and get a runny nose when doing number two?.
I don't shed tears neither, however some passing within smelling distance (in the house) have shed a few tears, and its unclogged their nose much to their dismay. This makes me wonder just why it is that when someone smells you and makes a deragatory comment, a smile or chuckle comes to ya. (*he he)
Memorial No Shows...Please Check in....
by ISP inwell, i was tempted but i decided not to go to the most bizarre religious ritual of modern times....how about you?.
I didn't go either, took the wife and daughter and dropped them off cam back and picked them up when the bullshit session was over. My my, but things change???? I dropped off family and there was this brother who had been directing traffic, he was smoking in the parking lot, followed behind my wife and took two more drags on his cigarette and then crushed it. They didn't start until 6:30 PM and here is this guy smoking I thought it was great!!! My wife was disappointed I didn't go but then I told her to show me in the bible where it said to comemorate his death specifically and I will go until then, I won't attend another of their stupid (that comment gets her going) meetings memorial or no. MY daughter told me dad this guy was sitting by me with his children and he was drinking the wine and eating the crackers, she said the elder who was watching him looked like he was really sick. I asked how old did he look and she said about my son's age which is 25 so guess he will be in for a good counseling session. One more year of hype i guess to remember to do this as often as ye think of it meaning eat of the bread and wine, really means to memorialize my death once a year, yeah sure it does. What bull. well my 2 cents.
The "one-Scripture" Rule
by LDH inso much of jw belief is based on just one or two scriptures, while they ignore the thrust of true christianity!
here are some examples:.
1. the faithful and discreet slave--mentioned once in the bible.
I celebrated my daughters birthday with a party her first, her mother done all she could to spoil it, but we had a great time, went to skating rink and had invited some of her friends, had cake, icecream, eats, etc etc. she loved it. She was somewhat hesitant about it with all the bull manure she's heard from mom and others at the borg. I told her she was very important to me, and that her birth was something i was really happy about so why not celebrate it. I told her of the circuit overseers who come and everyone wants to invite them home to cook something special for them, that she knew for her mother had done it so she didn't see any difference in that and celebrating her birthday when we talked about it. We'll be doing it again next year too.
by new boy ina yew years ago i was chating with lyman swingle {gb} joking around i said, i come up with a great idea to save the society millions of dollars "and what is that?
" lyman said "well if all the brothers could do the hot bunk system, like they due on submarines, where one person is on a 12 hour shift, the other could sleep in his bed, end of the shift they switch places, the bed is always in use, the society could sell off half its buildings!
" he laughed and said "we have always felt that god's spirit would give us the money to do what we needed to do, no money no spirit!
new boy, hi, I was surprised at your comment of 12 hours shifts on submarines, the ones i deployed on the crew worked 6 hour shifts and only a few hotbunked and that was the ghosts down in the torpedo room everyone else seemed to have their own bunk, we did 12 hour shifts and to my knowledge no one else on the boat did.
But what a great idea have everyone at bethel hotbunking and working 12 hour shifts that way they could print bullooney 24 hours a day instead of just their normal work day. don't allow the dinks to have nay time off until they have read bible through, and put in one year at bethel barns. i think mr lieing swindler spoke of the real heart of the wtbts when he equated spirit with money.
Hopefully the fast attacks are gathering and ready to pop the target sailing blindly along not aware of its surrounding.
by WildTurkey ini was wondering how many in here, after leaving the borg owns a hand gun for protection or learned the martials arts ?
i own a handgun.
I love guns, have a ruger blackhawk 41 magnum, a ruger 357, a savage 110L 3006, a remington 270, mosberg 3030, a remington 300 mag. a model 97 12 2 3/4" shotgun, Im into archery, hand held cross bow, and long bow, karate, and philipino kungfu. I made this known many times and if the wtbts didn't like it I didn't care "F" em. Love weapons, dont shoot them much anymore but still love em. Love to plink around with them. have two 22 rifles a colt pump and a savage pump. both great guns. I'm not into hunting to handicapped to go now, but still love to plink around and was never squeamish about shooting my own grub, and have no patience with those who are.
by buffalosrfree inthis was a questions my wife asked me this morning, when i told her for the umpthteenth time that i won't attend the meeting today, not today, not the memorial or grape drinking or any other time.
i asked her why she was worried about that and she had no clear answer, i told her as i will be dead i could give a s**t less.
that any service would be for her and kids and family and non wtbts friends.
This was a questions my wife asked me this morning, when i told her for the umpthteenth time that I won't attend the meeting today, not today, not the memorial or grape drinking or any other time. I asked her why she was worried about that and she had no clear answer, I told her as I will be dead i could give a s**t less. That any service would be for her and kids and family and non wtbts friends. It (the service) won't help me at all. Besided I don't want any elders or ms's there putting out bs for the society. I don't want them to step foot into any service for me. What a questions huh, then she gets my daughter to start asking me to go to meeting with them, and I told her if i want to hear and seen fantasy I'll watch a Disney movie. But no dad won';t go to the meeting with you. I work hard to overcome the bs they are indoctrinated with there, but she (the wife) can't seem to get it. The daughter does a lot tho. I can't wait until she gets one of those elderites to come and talk to me, I just can't wait it will be something they will always remember. (heheh)
America Will Execute Brit Today.
by Englishman inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1867000/1867916.stm .
I think we should send a bill to Tony Blair and the Brits for the upkeep of this piece of human feces. I'm all for the death penalty, why should society be billed to house, feed, clothe, and take care of these people. We need to consult with Saudia Arabia and see how they handle people who kill other people. Iran too perhaps, Iraq??? The more dead the merrier. Lets get rid of death row, kill em all I say. Execution alleviates society from the need to take care of them.
Part 4d: JFR Trial - The Surprise
by Amazing inpart 4d: jfr trial the surprise .
trial transcript, pages 138 140, sect.
414 419. excusing: after lengthy questioning of the prospective jurors, the prosecution excuses juror no.
Your right Fred he JFR is cool, his body disapated some time ago, without heat one is in essence cool. Lifeless, gone, dead, etc. etc. So kissing his ass bones ain't going to help you at all.
Odd happening
by buffalosrfree ini was listening to my wife on the phone with another sister out of state, and she later told me that the conversation i overheard had to do with a sister who believing she was annointed, and having some psychological problems left home, went to brooklyn where most of the "annointed" are supposedly.
seeing as how she left without telling hubby, it caused a stir, authorities were notified.
when she showed up at brookly, im willing to bet that raised a few eyebrows.
I was listening to my wife on the phone with another sister out of state, and she later told me that the conversation i overheard had to do with a sister who believing she was Annointed, and having some psychological problems left home, went to Brooklyn where most of the "annointed" are supposedly. Seeing as how she left without telling hubby, it caused a stir, authorities were notified. When she showed up at brookly, im willing to bet that raised a few eyebrows. Its a shame that the unique bulloney beliefs of the borg has caused some (sister of course) to suffer harm even if it may only be psychological. I feel for people like her and others who are and have sacrificed thier lives on the WTBTS borg altar.