Great thread. I cannot believe how many fart stories there are. I am not sure what that means, but they sure are funny.
That meetings give us gas?
i remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
Great thread. I cannot believe how many fart stories there are. I am not sure what that means, but they sure are funny.
That meetings give us gas?
i remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
Sometime back in the 80's at the book study we were studying something to do with evolution. The paragraph read something akin to "Evolution teaches that all life developed from a single organism." The guy reading it said "Evolution teaches that all life developed from a single orgasm."
He was a jokester though. I think he meant to say that.
the reason for my curiosity is that several have asked if i'm really from alabama.
Birmingham is a very pretty city in parts, lots of hills and old houses.
the co's visit is coming up soon and i'm wondering what i should expect.. what i'm asking is in relation to my burden responsibility as a ministerial servant.
i managed to get deleted as a regular pioneer and now i'm wondering if i should expect a second meeting, and perhap one with the co.. i most certainly don't want to have to endure another meeting!
i quit field service and meetings suddenly and i'm a couple of month away from being "inactive".
R.F. -
I'm sure this has been asked before, but, why not just step down?
this is a really good one.
an elder who was serving for more than 30 years, faithfull to the organization at all means, has lost his privelage due to the wt education policy.
the reason was that he allowed his son to study at the university.
Around here, most "prominent" elders kids go to college, have parts on the assemblies, privleges in hall, etc.
i was raised a witness.
(so i have some excuse).
Raised. Still "in" too.
just got off the phone with an old bethel connection.
the public talk will soon be cut to 30 minutes.
the outlines will stay the same.
I wonder if any effort will be made to make it more "Public." Most of the talks now seem specifically geared towards JW's, with very little to interest the public.
have you heard about a letter for all congregations announced next new change in wts politics?.
in letter is information that the time for the public talk will be reduced to 30 minutes.. does anyone have a copy?
A few years ago there was a rumour floating around that all Congregation Book Studies were to be held on Saturday Mornings. The spin, of course, was that this was a "loving provision" that would provide the brothers and sisters another free night during the week, and be able to combine the Book Study with Field Service. This obviously never came to pass. I'll believe the half-hour public talk when I see it. And I agree with others that the meeting will still be 2 hours long, probably with a 1 1/2 hour WT study. Don't get your hopes up for any "lightening of the load."
Of course, if the meetings actually were refreshing and spiritually stimulating, then I guess we wouldn't mind being there for 2+ hours.
jws make a huge deal out of everything!!!!
if you blew your nose the wrong way, you might've "stumbled" someone.
if you "french kissed", you might be guilty of "loose conduct".
If someone gets drunk, especially during a weekend or at a party, a "worldly" person thinks not much about it. Other than the hangover problem, it's usually forgotten. But if a Witness does this, he could be disfellowshipped----especially if he thought it was really no big deal.
I've seen way more drunk witnesses than drunk wordly's in my time, including me.
this was prompted by the thread on whether you enjoyed being an elder or ms. some mentioned they taught what they wanted when they were an elder.
that was personally true of myself.
there were some things i stopped teaching over the years, and would refuse to counsel the friends about.
I would love to, but I have to come clean and admit that I let myself get so run around that usually its easier just to cut and paste some stuff off the cd rom and get the part over.