The next question would be, by implication, "Is the Bible the only book in the world that can correctly teach us about God and have a valid relationship with the Divine?" This is not a ludicrous question, because millions of people around the world and thru history are just as convinced that this is so, the Bible notwithstanding. And since believing what you want about the Bible and within the Bible is apparently OK, then why does it not hold true that other writings and scriptures about God are just as valid for individual acceptance and interpretation?How about the Koran? The Vedas? The Buddhist writings? The Torah? The Gnostic manuscripts? The Book of Mormon? and others? If believing what you want from the Bible is valid, then why is believing what you want from books outside the Bible not of equal value? And just who gets to decide which is valid, and which is not, since you say interpretation is an individual matter? I am very serious here.
I, myself, have often thought about that as well. I'm not sure. I am inclined to believe that the Bible is God's one and only word and Jesus was sent to deliver God's message. I also believe that people can have a relationship with God separate from the Bible since there was a time when this was the case prior to its writing.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that God provides us with what we need for salvation and it is up to us as individuals to seek him out. I trust that he ensures that each of us gets the opportunity to get to know him and his son. If, for no fault of our own, we do not receive that opportunity in our lifetime I do not believe God will hold it against us. His kindness is undeserved and Jesus' sacrifice was for all mankind.
What do you think?