Testing this thread
Well, after three times, it finally worked. OK, here goes:
Why are there so many religions all professing belief in the Bible, yet all of them interpret the Bible differently? They can't all be right, because they contradict one another. Yet how do you know for sure who's interpretation is right, and whose interpretation is wrong? And why are there so many different versions of the Bible? Doesn't this make the problem worse?
Why can't biblical scholars, who have spent their whole lives researching and studying the Bible, agree amongst themselves what the scriptures mean? One says a certain passage is to be understood literally, while others argue it is symbollic or metaphorical or parable. Some point to prophecies that they say were all fulfilled in Jesus' day, while other teach they were meant for our day, in the 21st Century.
It sure looks to me like the Bible is anything but clear, and you and I don't stand a chance trying to figure the Bible out all on our own. One guy's opinion is as good as another's.
Yet our very eternal salavation is supposed to depend on our making the right choice.
I guess we could say that the Bible is like an old Fiddle, upon which you can play any old tune.
What do you think?
Rod P.