Hopefully, someone will do a transcript of this show, at least the lawyers part.
I would do it but have no time.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
Hopefully, someone will do a transcript of this show, at least the lawyers part.
I would do it but have no time.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
Hearing from the lawyer was awesome.
I think we will hear allot more on this case from a much bigger venue.
Be patient!
i'm drawing my conclusions from what was reported from msnbc.
http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/15/12225753-jehovahs-witnesses-ordered-to-pay-more-than-20-million-to-woman-who-said-she-was-sexually-abused?lite .
i plan to retrieve the actual court documents from an official source.
The lawyer is on a conference call right now, call in if you can and ask yourself.
Conference call #: 712-432-8710; Listen for the operator and then hit Pin #9925. To comment later on in the interview, hit star 1 to unmute. Don't unmute unless you want to ask a question later on because the background noise in your home can be heard by everyone on the conf. line.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
thx cofty
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
She sounded like Sharon Osborne to me!!!!
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
lol kudra
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
barbara anderson on now
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.