Nicely done, for now I have shared it in small group I admin (non-JW or exJW related)
Will share feedback.
i've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below....
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Nicely done, for now I have shared it in small group I admin (non-JW or exJW related)
Will share feedback.
i was out shopping this weekend, reading of candice conti too.
there's a few walmarts nearby in skeeterville.
one nearest me is pretty safe, but the other is closer to the interstate and jail, and you always feel wierd at it.
i just checked twitter and the story is picking up tremendously there.. many people only get their news from twitter now.. i encourage you to use twitter, you can do this anonymously.. rt (return the stories) get familiar with twitter if you are not already.. it's a wonderful format for spreading the news.. many activist will see this and spread the story that have many followers.... the time to do this is now, before the story gets too old.
Thanks for the info DT.
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
yay @panhandlegirl
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
ok try again and let me did make it in!!!
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
cripes, ugg, let me change the settings...sorry.
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
Actually, I just made the group secret.
Any other way, discussion would show up on your timeline.
Which I don't want to have happen.
i started a fb page hashtags for jw issues.
we can discuss/ suggest strategies for using twitter to our best advantage.
I started a FB page Hashtags for JW issues.
We can discuss/ suggest strategies for using Twitter to our best advantage.
I did make the setting where you must have a FB acct to look at the page.
At the moment the page is set to open. It can be a closed or secret group.
For those that are interested, you can contact me here or join the group outright.
If you feel more comfortable having the group closed or secret and want to be part of it please let me know.
Also, if you are interested in being an admin let me know.
It may be an asset to us or a dud. We can try.
when "jehovah's witnesses" is typed into google, sex abuse story now top thats web dynamics at work.
It's in Polish! (tlum. Marek Boczkowski) Swiadkom Jehowy nakazano zaplacic ponad 20 milionów $ kobiecie, która byla molestowana seksualnie Autor: James Eng, Obie strony sa zgodne co do tego, ze orzeczenie lawy przysieglych z Oakland w Kalifornii bylo doniosle; uznala ona, ze Swiadkowie Jehowy sa czesciowo odpowiedzialni za domniemane molestowanie seksualne dziewczynki przez jednego z ich czlonków i musza...