did you see this repy to Penn?
@pennjillette Unfortunately the Jehovah's Witnesses help keep me in a job (I'm a shrink). Not that they mean to. Very sad video.
did you see this repy to Penn?
@pennjillette Unfortunately the Jehovah's Witnesses help keep me in a job (I'm a shrink). Not that they mean to. Very sad video.
It's very sad that a son cannot have a relationship with his own flesh and blood father in order to serve Jehovah.
That Jehovah requires that kind of obediance and love.
It's also tragic that your son is preparing himself for Armeggedon.
A judgement time for Jehovah not anyone else. (in their way of thinking)
If he starts dealing with hurts now, does he think it will be less painful at Armeggedon.
I thought Jehovah would wipe out every tear from their eye and there would be pain and suffering no more.
It's like going on a hiking expedition and your Dad is old and might not make it, so instead of having a great time,
enjoying each other, loving each other, and STILL both being able to be the people you are,
the whole trip is spent fucked up, cuz someone MIGHT die.
so the other night, my family was together and my dad brought up the recent child abuse conviction for the society.
big surprise, my sister hadn't heard anything about it, so of course she got right on to the jw.org website and emailed me the link to the watchtowers official statement.
this is my reply:.
and I am sure of I had a child I'd be more sympathetic..
Doesn't this tell it all....Why not be sympathic to all the children? Whether they are yours or anothers.
her logic makes no sense. Nor does her heart.
so the other night, my family was together and my dad brought up the recent child abuse conviction for the society.
big surprise, my sister hadn't heard anything about it, so of course she got right on to the jw.org website and emailed me the link to the watchtowers official statement.
this is my reply:.
A person in good standing is still going to be allowed to go out in service, where some of the abuse took place in this particular case.
so the other night, my family was together and my dad brought up the recent child abuse conviction for the society.
big surprise, my sister hadn't heard anything about it, so of course she got right on to the jw.org website and emailed me the link to the watchtowers official statement.
this is my reply:.
If a person in the congregation, even one in good standing and who is exemplary has not been appointed or is unable to regular pioneer, what would that say about their past and general spirituality? Why would you leave your child alone with someone like that?
What the hell does it mean when one is in good standing? What sort of person do Witnesses expect that them to be?
thanks for sharing FHN! and thanks for the info on the pic tornapart!
45 of 48 counts according to cnn.
a bad week for pedo's, a good week for children.
60 years minimum, he will be there the rest of his life.
45 of 48 counts according to cnn.
a bad week for pedo's, a good week for children.
#Sandusky guilty but wish #PennState doesnt get off scott free! They perpetuated abuse & ruined lives by ignoring the evil they knew about!
45 of 48 counts according to cnn.
a bad week for pedo's, a good week for children.
The WT is damn lucky on the timing of Candices outcome.
If not for what was going on with Sandusky and the priest thing in PA.
It would have gotten some air time...not that it still won't.
we've been an excited group of ex-jws.
conti, australia, brazil, it all just seems like shunning and child molestation are coming to the forefront.. so, today i got a call from a jw relative.
one who rarely calls me.. i don't call much either, partly because i think that my calls are unwanted due to my stance against the jws.
It's not just JW's that are excited about whats going on, it's many of the "Change is here" that is going on all over the world that has many people excited.
I don't know why JW's have made what happens to the Catholic Church be their sole borometer for what is happening in world events re: religion.
Change is here, but not the end. It's a painful realization to come to.