Just venting - I hate the Society.
by donny 59 Replies latest jw friends
I really hate this religion (Jehovah’s Witnesses). I just recently got back from visiting my family in Texas. I have been living here in Northern California since 1999 and I make 2 to 3 trips a year back there a year. For the record, I have been out of the JW’s for 20 years come this September. My ex-wife is still in the religion as well as my son. My two daughters have nothing to do with it anymore and they are better for it. My son is an elder and has been for the past couple of years and we never discuss religion when we visit one another. We have never had any issue during all this time until this last visit.
He called me up a few days (Tuesday) after I arrived and wanted to meet for lunch on Friday. He called me on Friday morning and asked me to come to his place of employment so he could show me what he did for a living. I met several of his co-workers and had a good time while I was there. Then we went to lunch at a nearby diner and that is when things went downhill. He told me that while he agrees that I was the better parent and that he loved me very much, he stated that in my future trips down here, he would not be able to meet with me as he needs to make a stand for “the truth.”
He went on to emphasize that world events are backing up the Society’s claims that the end is at hand and he cannot afford to be straddling the fence when that time comes. I tried using the reasoning that they have always said the end was nigh so why was their current stance any different. He replied about “letters from the Society” telling elders that they need to set an example and that he must comply.
What made the bad event worse was that he would often pause and take a breath as he said these things as he was obviously under duress. On several occasions he almost broke down and kept saying how hard this was to do. And this is coming from a person who does not wear his emotions on his sleeve. He then went on to say that his biggest hope, as well as his wife’s, was that I would begin attending meetings again and eventually get reinstated. It was all about my status in the religion, not my status as a human being. Although he never used the word, he was essentially telling me “goodbye.”
My hate for the Watchtower had become muted over the years, but this event really brought it out in the open again. I hate this religion! Thanks for letting me vent.
I hate it too.
Suckage, bro. Sorry.
This is tragic! The Society has inflicted so much unnecessary pain on families.
So sorry Donny!
They destroy
And they actually kill people (blood doctrine)
Personally my heart goes out to you .(pat on the back)
this is how the society operates my friend. They work through suggestive messages, innuendos and analogies. They never outright force these type of things, so they can't be accused of breaking up families, etc. They don't say " JWs are forbidden to speak to their disfellowshipped family members" . Instead they will say " how do you think Jehovah feels when you speak to someone who doesn't love him?" They work by induction, not by prohibition.
I really hate this religion (Jehovah’s Witnesses)
You sure can't be blamed for that. The society is pulling the leash ever tighter on it's followers.It is bad enough for the "rank and file" members but elders are especially commanded to follow all the "brain farts" that come out of WT central.
Denial of higher education for elders children is the RULE that must be followed or be deleted from eldership for them.
DF'ed persons.. Treat them as dead. Living at home...kick them out.. Elders must set a fine example in the congregation..
Their cult like qualities are becoming more and more evident.
Take Care Donny.... POZ
I am soooo sorry for your pain dear Donny.
It is always the hardest with children. I hope you have a healthy relationship with your daughters so they see how much their dad loves them without them WT.
So sad story in this senario it's like the bumbersticker "LOOK BUSY! JESUS IS COMING!" Your poor son loves you and has been relatively friendly in the past until now. What changed? The famous scaretactic the end is ever so near....AGAIN!!!!!
And he doesn't even see as a elder that making a stand against you NOW because of some pressure and the fear of the end is altogether the wrong motive in doing it. Doesn't he see that Jehovah saw all along he was semi-ok with a disfellowshipped dad and THEN when he saw the time may be really short, it was time he broke off any ties with you? The MOTIVE is not pure. It's "Lets look good at the last minute. Maybe jehovah won't know I haven't been all along."
Donny, my prayer is with you and your hurt and also for your family. Always love no matter what. Never let them change who you are apart from that organization. It will become manifest at some point.
With love to you
justmom (Kim)
Thanks everyone. After our meeting, I tried to put it on the backburner, but it just kept smoldering until I just needed to turn on the venting hood. My son is 32 years old and we have always maintained a cordial non-religious relationship since my departure in 1992.
You could tell he was very distraught and he was not doing it because it was the right thing to do, instead it was something he had to do. He finds it ironic that his bordeline nut-case mother is acceptable association because she is still a member, and yet he has to shun me now because I am not part of the club. He even commented that he appreciated that I never tried to tell him "apostate things".