I still come to this every so often...here today... love you all....purps
JoinedPosts by purplesofa
great guitarist....guitar solos...and performances
by purplesofa ini am collecting guitar musicians.......their music.
i am collecting great perfomances.....rare ones of musicians that would not otherwise be together......
i wold love your input.........and would share music with those interested.
3rd Oil Spill This Week
by designs inexxon, shell, and canadian pacific railway all had oil spills reported this week.
exxon and shell's oil spills were from ruptured pipelines and canadian pacific had a railcar accident.. the exxon spill flooded streets and the yards of homes outside of little rock arkansas and the shell spill occured outside houston texas near the vince bayou.
residents of the little rock community never knew that high pressure pipelines ran under their homes which is a disturbing fact being discovered more and more.
I was looking for a thread about the Mayflower Oil Spill in AR.
I was there last night.
The smell is horrible. Cops everywhere.
Heavy machinary everywhere.
Its in the water, possibly the lake.
Have been helping out since Day One.
Exxon and the MSM and the politicians are doing all they can to sugar-coat the real damage, as they always do.
New magazine Carts
by jonno12225 innews from my wife from the recent meeting is that our congregation will be recieving 2 new magazine carts for market witnessing.
we live in a small market town in north yorkshire and have regular street markets.. the congregation is small (75+ publishers, -1 now) so it seems that this is being rolled out pretty conprehensivly now to all congs.
i still have no info as to whether each congregation has to purchase these from the hq or costings per unit..
Will this require special permits? not from WT from where ever they are using the carts?
Gdaughter of Westboro defects from Cult
by purplesofa inhttp://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/02/06/granddaughter-of-westboro-baptist-church-founder-defects-from-hate-cult-to-speak-out-video/.
a cult has a way of ensnaring its members with promises of spiritual freedom, the seductions of power and charisma, and in some cases, just the sheer influence gained by tapping into the fears, biases and bigotry of potential recruits.
scientology has used those many tools in attracting followers, as has every cult from jim jones with his peoples temple mass suicide tragedy in jonestown, guyana; david koresh and the branch davidians of waco notoriety, warren jeffs of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of the latter-day saints and its polygamous sexual abuses; right up to the westboro baptist church and their pervasive and media-savvy mission statement of hate and bigotry.. while its one thing for adults to be ensnared, willingly or otherwise, its another for the children of cult members to be held captive simply for being unfortunate enough to be raised by a cult member.
One of the comments on the article referred to the grand daughter as an "apostate"
Apostates rock!
Oldest Temple in Turkey
by Satanus ingobekli tepe, an archeological dig in turkey, not far from the syrian border.
it has been unearthed seriously, since 1994 by german archeologists.
it is a site that predates stonehenge by 6000 yrs, and the pyramids by 7000yrs, they say.
very interesting, thanks for posting,
Gdaughter of Westboro defects from Cult
by purplesofa inhttp://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/02/06/granddaughter-of-westboro-baptist-church-founder-defects-from-hate-cult-to-speak-out-video/.
a cult has a way of ensnaring its members with promises of spiritual freedom, the seductions of power and charisma, and in some cases, just the sheer influence gained by tapping into the fears, biases and bigotry of potential recruits.
scientology has used those many tools in attracting followers, as has every cult from jim jones with his peoples temple mass suicide tragedy in jonestown, guyana; david koresh and the branch davidians of waco notoriety, warren jeffs of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of the latter-day saints and its polygamous sexual abuses; right up to the westboro baptist church and their pervasive and media-savvy mission statement of hate and bigotry.. while its one thing for adults to be ensnared, willingly or otherwise, its another for the children of cult members to be held captive simply for being unfortunate enough to be raised by a cult member.
Actually, the comments of support to her could be quite encouraging for some here as well.
Gdaughter of Westboro defects from Cult
by purplesofa inhttp://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/02/06/granddaughter-of-westboro-baptist-church-founder-defects-from-hate-cult-to-speak-out-video/.
a cult has a way of ensnaring its members with promises of spiritual freedom, the seductions of power and charisma, and in some cases, just the sheer influence gained by tapping into the fears, biases and bigotry of potential recruits.
scientology has used those many tools in attracting followers, as has every cult from jim jones with his peoples temple mass suicide tragedy in jonestown, guyana; david koresh and the branch davidians of waco notoriety, warren jeffs of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of the latter-day saints and its polygamous sexual abuses; right up to the westboro baptist church and their pervasive and media-savvy mission statement of hate and bigotry.. while its one thing for adults to be ensnared, willingly or otherwise, its another for the children of cult members to be held captive simply for being unfortunate enough to be raised by a cult member.
skeeter, maybe you can suggest that in comments on article, I am having computer problems tonight.
Gdaughter of Westboro defects from Cult
by purplesofa inhttp://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/02/06/granddaughter-of-westboro-baptist-church-founder-defects-from-hate-cult-to-speak-out-video/.
a cult has a way of ensnaring its members with promises of spiritual freedom, the seductions of power and charisma, and in some cases, just the sheer influence gained by tapping into the fears, biases and bigotry of potential recruits.
scientology has used those many tools in attracting followers, as has every cult from jim jones with his peoples temple mass suicide tragedy in jonestown, guyana; david koresh and the branch davidians of waco notoriety, warren jeffs of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of the latter-day saints and its polygamous sexual abuses; right up to the westboro baptist church and their pervasive and media-savvy mission statement of hate and bigotry.. while its one thing for adults to be ensnared, willingly or otherwise, its another for the children of cult members to be held captive simply for being unfortunate enough to be raised by a cult member.
A cult has a way of ensnaring its members with promises of spiritual freedom, the seductions of power and charisma, and in some cases, just the sheer influence gained by tapping into the fears, biases and bigotry of potential recruits. Scientology has used those many tools in attracting followers, as has every cult from Jim Jones with his People’s Temple mass suicide tragedy in Jonestown, Guyana; David Koresh and the Branch Davidians of Waco notoriety, Warren Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints and its polygamous sexual abuses; right up to the Westboro Baptist Church and their pervasive and media-savvy mission statement of hate and bigotry.
While it’s one thing for adults to be ensnared, willingly or otherwise, it’s another for the children of cult members to be held captive simply for being unfortunate enough to be raised by a cult member . Such was the case with Libby Phelps Alvarez, the granddaughter of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, whose particularly toxic view of gays and Jews–and anyone who supports either–is well-known and much vilified (you have to see Brit comedian, Russell Brand, take on a few of his henchmen!).
Libby had no choice but to tag along with her family of religious zealots when their “life’s work” demanded that they express hate in the “name of God” by protesting funerals and screaming vile insults at grieving families. Now, after having ultimately escaped the clutches of her nefarious family, she is publicly speaking out about their malignant world view and its impact on her while growing up.
In an interview with Andrea Canning from the Today Show:
She said she first began to question church activities after a friend’s husband died while serving in the military. Her family picketed the funeral. She stayed behind.
“There was a point when we started praying for people to die,” she said. “I didn’t actually do that, but I was around when they did it.”
In addition to disrupting military funerals, Westboro church members also are known for extreme anti-gay and anti-Semitic rhetoric, targeting both groups in their protests. But they shocked the nation when they announced plans to protest the funerals of the children killed in the Newtown, Conn., mass shooting.
“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” the church announced in a tweet.
“They think that they are the only ones who are going to heaven and if you don’t go to that church you’re going to hell,” Alvarez said.
Religious narcissism is not new and certainly not specific to this controversial branch of the “Christian” faith. Most of the more fundamentalist religions believe their way is the only way to get to Heaven, making that promise–and threat–a significant part of their pitch. It’s the depths to which the Westboro group takes this philosophy that separates them from the more benign interpreters of that zeal, however. There is a sociopathic thread that weaves through their hate-based doctrine that goes far beyond the standard “we’re the only way you can get to Heaven” message, as demonstrated by their “God hates fags” signs and comments, and their suggestion that everyone should “sing praise” in response to the Sandy Hook massacre.
Given the sheer saturation and public demonstration of that level of hate, it’s not hard to extrapolate that some of those raised in the church–ones who may have had the good fortune of holding on to their individual thought processes and seeing the malevolence being sold–would find themselves repulsed by the group’s principles. Alvarez was one of the lucky ones in that regard.
She decided to leave the church four years ago, slipping away while her parents attended a protest.
“I was terrified I was never going to see my family again,” she said, still tearful at the memory.
Alvarez still aches to see her parents, but “my aunt emailed me and said that nobody wants to talk to me anymore.”
Finnish Newspaper raises awareness about the JW cult
by His Excellency inhttp://yle.fi/uutiset/religion_outcasts_struggle_to_craft_new_identity/6472460.
"Jehovah’s Witnesses have very strict rules on disassociation for former members. It’s not ok to speak to a disfellowshipped member, even if that person is family," says Joni Valkila who heads a support group for cult victims.
Sixteen years ago at the age of 22 Vakila was shunned by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and hasn’t seen his family since.
The largest alternative religious groups in Finland include Jehovah’s Witnesses (20,000 members), Laestadians (100,000) and Pentecostals (50,000).
Vakila says adjusting to the outside world was difficult. Those leaving religious communities often feel they’re stuck between two cultures.
While no exact figure exists on the number of people leaving these faiths, Vakila says the exodus is growing.
"The number of Laestadians is not growing, even though they’re known for having very large families," he explains.
Vakila’s organisation runs support groups in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku and Oulu and new meeting groups are also expected to form in Joensuu and Jyväskylä.
The association, called the 'Support Group for the Victims of Religion' in English, has run in Finland for the past 25 years. While taboos may be fading, leaving a religious community is still not easy. Social media has emerged as a channel offering ex-members an opportunity to talk to others with the same experiences.
"It’s most difficult for people in their 50s to leave, which is understandable as it's harder to rebuild your life from scratch at this age," Vakila surmises.
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- Yle
New Member / MS still in...
by Comatose infeels real strange typing this.
i was what you all call born in.
i was happy growing up.
When I started opening my eyes, it felt really great, but the loss of the life before that ... I guess I went through a period of mourning.
So many years wasted, and then I had to pick up the pieces and because I had changed it was strange to those close to me.
Of course, I lost all my JW friends and that was painful. but that was many years ago and I have built a new life and I am happy. A whole new world has opened up to me.
I hope your wife comes along with you in your journey. Be gentle, but most of all be good to yourself.
Be moody, you sound like a good man