Stillintetruth is NOT a JW he is just yanking our chain. If he is a JDub they shure have dropped their standards since I was 'IN'
No dipstick I was not dfed I just walked away a free man.
surely one of the prime requirements for babtism would be at least the ability to put together a sentence that could be understood by someone of the human race.
No folks no JDub could be THAT arrogant.
Jesus, remember Jesus? Gods son? he left us an axample to follow closesly (it's in the bible stillinthe truth, remember the bible? that big brown book marked Bible)? Don't know what I'm talking about do you?
Maybe if he read it instead of the smoking that watchtower litter ature in his pipe he might...... Nahhh forget it climb back into the trees stillinthe truth with your relatieves.