re How Far Would You Have Gone To Prove Your Loyalty To The Organization?
How far would you go to prove your loyalty to Jehovah? Isn't that the point? Really?
But it won't be if the 'organisation' is not the one I have inind.
would you have not taken a transfusion?
would you make sure that your child was deprived of one, too?
would you have turned in your own family member to the elders?..........just how far would you have gone in showing allegiance to the cult?
re How Far Would You Have Gone To Prove Your Loyalty To The Organization?
How far would you go to prove your loyalty to Jehovah? Isn't that the point? Really?
But it won't be if the 'organisation' is not the one I have inind.
personally i believe that 607 is not the right date, but here is another point of view.. does 607 or 587 or 609 or 586 or 1914 really matter?
yes but only after you have a pivotal date.
5 starting from the pivotal date.
erRe: 607? 587? What does it matter?
This topic title has to be applauded. I am sure it was not set as bait for the unwary or 'spiritual food' for the gormless.
Validation of the correct date is not inconsequential where there is respect fpr historical accuracy
If researchers avoid getting themselves into a tizzy, they should be able to sort it out
in your words, what would be the unpardonable sin?
give examples.... .
Re: What Is The Unpardonable Sin?
A 14 year old girl wrote (to a newspaper) a heart-rending account of being taken from her family and put in a foster-home because a conversation with the health nurse led the latter to believe that the girl was being sexually abused at home. She writes: "The 2 and half months I have been away from my family have been awful. I have missed my birthday and Christmas was not the best. I cry myself to sleep every night because of the pain and anger I am going through. I have asked that woman from (the government agency) - if I can go home heaps of times, but she makes up some stupid excuse and they make my family sound like criminals, but they are not. Why will they not listen and take notice of what I want, say and need, and stop doing what they feel is right - but is wrong?"
Keeping to the topic title would it be fair to say it is unpardonable to persist in perpetuating lies? Easy to put ourselves into this category when fostering lies about others in order to pander to our own weaknesses and prejudices. (and in that you may find the answer to your topic question )
Perhaps in this forum there may be found at least one person who puts the Truth first. Not in a declamatory posting but in their own heart.
i've decided to da myself formally by writing a letter to my old cong.
i feel i need to leave my old life behind and forge a new one, which i don't feel i've been able to do since i left 3 years ago.
there has always been a hope in my family and jw's i was friends with that i would go back at some point.
Misquote, should have been "The world is full of beauty when the heart is full of love"
in it's own harsh way, bethel taught me some vital lessons about life.
work hard,.
play hard, drink hard and don't trust the goons in charge.. one of the scenarios that would replay itself over and over again concerned a subclass.
Re: What Bethel Taught Me About SuperRighteous People
One would have been more inclined to read beyond this title if it had read "What I came to Believe about a Righteous God and what I learned about Bethel " but these kinds of expressions don't win 'friends'.
i thought of a question i'd like to ask my sister-in-law (who's a fanatical dub).
i'd like to say to her: "...if it could be proven to you beyond any doubt that this was not the "one true religion", would you still go to the kingdom hall?...
i figure it's a catch-22 that really ought to make them stop and think.
Re: What Bethel Taught Me About SuperRighteous People
One would have been more inclined to read beyond this title if it had read "What I came to Believe about a Righteous God and what I learned about Bethel " but these kinds of expressions don't win 'friends'.
there was a very well respected elder in my cong that i will call mr. r. this elder was a very zealous and pious jw and the po.
mr. r was of cuban descent and had extremely conservative veiws.
mr. r being the upstanding jw and elder had a very attractive wife and two cute kids.
Re: Hypocrite Elder Gets Df'd
Now I know I just missed something, for isn't it the general concensus that ALL elders are hypocritical, insincere, unloving, harsh, lying, lazy proud, arrogant, stubborn immoral and greedy (oh the joys of creativity) i.e. at the extreme end of 'imperfection? And now it is announced that this guy got df'd for just being a Hypocrite? My,my, standards are slipping! But I didn't read the postings, merely the title and so have probably jumped to conclusions (again)
i've decided to da myself formally by writing a letter to my old cong.
i feel i need to leave my old life behind and forge a new one, which i don't feel i've been able to do since i left 3 years ago.
there has always been a hope in my family and jw's i was friends with that i would go back at some point.
Re: Clean Break!
This world is full of broken promises, broken hearts, broken people
but the world is full of beauty when the heart is full of joy
Which did you expect to get here?
i've seen folks reference 1925 concerning "end of the world" claims from the wt similar to 1975.. i've read quotes from the wt about "the 1925 date is even more fixed in the bible than 1914".
but what did they really say was going to happen?
something about moses was said i think.. can anyone with references post them?
Re: What was actually printed about 1925?
1925 like 1975, is an old bone not fit for a self respecting buzzard to dine out on. (is one looking at a 'valley of dry bones'? ) At times it is easy to become a boring old thing, but to broach these 'issues' to fellow witnesses? They would yawn , "here he goes again", and promptly fall asleep. . Enjoy your postings, whatever they may happen to be. Now it has got to ME and I am off for a cup of tea and a power-nap
has it ever happened to you, something so dispicable you would rather go to your grave, not having forgiven someone a wrong they had done you, hopeful that god would sort it out in the end?
mind you, i know things like child molestation, rape and murder are things for which it is difficult, if not impossible, to be forgiving of.
that being said, where does one draw the line on forgiveness?
Re: Forgiveness, How Far Do You Take It?
Up to 77 times did Jesus say? Demonstrably hard to get the bitterness out of one's personality.
And nobody should sit on judgement of those who are struggling with this because there can be real issues that only the sufferer knows about. (There is no future for those who refuse to feel another's pain) However, we don't do ourselves a favour by denying that bitterness can be overcome and left behind. Like most things in life it is a choice. Just a caution - it doesn't help to go down to the hollow to wallow with other malcontents.