There was a very well respected elder in my cong that I will call Mr. R. This elder was a very zealous and pious JW and the PO. Mr. R was of Cuban descent and had extremely conservative veiws. Mr. R being the upstanding JW and elder had a very attractive wife and two cute kids. I remember listening to this man do the Sunday talks and he would go on and on about how perverse the world is and how sex is every where to tempt you and your kids. I specifically remember one talk where he blasted a popular spanish television childrens show, and told all the parents in attendence not to allow their kids to watch beacuse the characters would talk about liking this person or other, boyfriends and maybe even an innocent kiss. Ok please understand the shows characters were between the ages of 5 to 10 years of age. It was a very cute and innocent show about friendship, school and family. I enjoyed watching this show, and it pissed me off that he could take something so innocent and blow it out proportion. My parents were strict and that was one of the few things I was allowed to see. Anyway his son later married the only JW friend I had in the cong at the time. Fast forward to today, I ran into my old friend & we chatted. I told my mom I had run into her, blah mom then tells me that Mr. R, my friends father-in-law, was df'd. I could not believe my ears, so I asked why, and it turns out Mr. R had a huge porn fetish and the wifey caught him several times on line watching porn, she told him to stop, he would say ok, then do it again, so she took the computer to the elders and showed them what he was up to. So the other elders df'd the upstanding pious Mr. R and encouraged the Mrs. to divorce him, and so she did. I am still in shock, but not before I reminded my mom what an intolerant anti sex, zealous hypocrite he was, all those years telling us how we should lead our lives. My mom of course had no comment. Dragonlady76
Hypocrite Elder Gets Df'd
by Dragonlady76 65 Replies latest jw friends
bigger they are the harder they fall Dragonlady.
Generally the louder they talk about the evils of sex they more perverse they are. It wouldnt suprise me if lookin at a little porn was the least worst thing he's done. Kinda hard to feel sorry for a guy like that eh? *remembers watching Sabado Gigante* MMMM nice legs.
New Worldly Translation
Wow, Mr Hypocrite really f*cked up there didn't he. It must be hard for his kids to lose their dad to divorce just because he's a porn freak though.
When I was a JW me and my mum used to laugh at the number of people who would answer up or give talks condemning their own faults. We'd give each other a raised eyebrow look and roll our eyes. I think they are trying to put up a smokescreen to their own faults.
Hi Dragonfly,
Nothing suprises me anymore in the organization. And I agree the more piety and zeal a person has are far more prone to be secretive about sexual things. And pornograghy is a real problem for these pious jerks. Preach preach & preach and teach and they are the ones eventually found out. I am happy for the wife as she left this fool. What a creep. At least she will be better off without him.
I am not saying porn is wrong but it is in the Organization,
Yes the higher up the harder they fall.
I have been so surpised to see how many elders I have known and were considered the very up standing elders and they end up either being disfelllowshipped or deleted One elder who put his nose in the air one day when I saw him at Canadian Tire Store, if looks could kill, I 'd be dead. But he was an abusive grandson to his dear grandmother who is in her eighties. He would hit her and finally his sister blew the whistle on him and he was delelted or demotted as an elder and so was his father who was an upstanding elder for years and years. He pioneered for a long time with his wife and moved to help out other congregations and the next thing I hear he is deleted too. Another was disfellowshipped for incest. And so the list goes on and on.
like I said nothing suprises me anymore.
Getting drunk is wrong, smoking is wrong, doing drugs is wrong, porn is wrong, masterbation is wrong, having sex with the cat is wrong! What do you have to do to please these people!
Just kidding, I don't smoke!
Well this infuriates me so much. This man was the epitome of an arrogant controlling a**hole elder that went by the book and expected everyone else to do the same. I hated this man with the same zeal he witnessed about. I feel sorry for his wife and kids, thank goodness that his kids were already adults and out of the house when this happened. I'm just thinking about the the people he jc'd for petty stuff, while he's masterbating to porn. I think he may also have had more issues than the porn, they usually do.
Thanks for letting me vent! Dragonlady76
G Money
What show was it?
Not "Complices Al Rescate?" It wasn't the same after Belinda left.
Maybe Rebelde but the kids are older in that one. -
The show was "Carousel"<--- I hope I spelled that right, not to good at writing in Spanish
I wish there was a way to describe it to you who have never seen it before. Ok let me try this Barney style cast of kids with Cosby like families meets soap opera? Hope that helps
Taylor S.
hey dragonfly ...
i can certainly believe your mom had no comment, i'm suprised she told you at all. my mom never tells me tales from Dubland unless they're quaint (stories that make your eyes glaze over).
but i hear the good ol' dirt through the vine (ex-witness friends with active dub fam). the best was an elder, big mucky-muck sort, well-to-do in appearance, new expensive car yearly, yada yada ... even as a kid I hated him and his snooty wife. they even resided in the assembly hall as care-takers and he even held some sort of position in Bethel. He also organized lots of travel excursions for the Witnesses. My mom was always on these cruises and held this man in the highest esteem.
Yeah. Like I said ... big mucky-muck. So anyway, while shopping in the mall with my mom, we run into Sister Mucky-Muck, sitting on bench, eyes swollen, visibly upset. I drifted away and let them talk. When we left the mall, mom only shook her head when I asked what was wrong.
So I made some calls and tapped into the vine.
Well ... it seems that Bro. Mucky-Muck had been mis-handling some ORG funds in a LARGE and most un-Christian way ... and also scamming people (unsuspecting dubs ) with his cruise business and making money hand over watchtower. A big scandel was about to break and he was about to be Df'd. ... ...
If it seems that I enjoyed hearing this news ..... yes, I was down-right giggly.
That was a couple of years ago .... and mom still hasn't gotten around to telling me.
So yes, the mighty have a tendency to go SPLAT in the most amusing way.
Re: Hypocrite Elder Gets Df'd
Now I know I just missed something, for isn't it the general concensus that ALL elders are hypocritical, insincere, unloving, harsh, lying, lazy proud, arrogant, stubborn immoral and greedy (oh the joys of creativity) i.e. at the extreme end of 'imperfection? And now it is announced that this guy got df'd for just being a Hypocrite? My,my, standards are slipping! But I didn't read the postings, merely the title and so have probably jumped to conclusions (again)