Oh go on then... Have your happy annivesary. As long as your still here for my 1st Anniversary next March... OK!
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
I just noticed it's my 1 year anniversary here!
by kwintestal inand what a year it has been!
who knows where i'd be if i didn't have the support and access to knowledge that i get here.
love ya all!.
Will Prince last as a Witness?
by inquirer inor will he have egg on his face like michael jackson?
cliff richards, i believe was a jehovah's witness and he didn't last either!
by the way, did you know that dave mustaine's mum was a jehovah's witness?
I heard Marilyn Manson was a brother in good standing...
That's gotta be true! My mothers sisters friends cousins fathers brother saw him walking into a kingdumb hall the other day!
bugs in your head...
by morty inare you scratching your head just reading the title??....lol....
head lice is running like a wild grass fire in our neck of the woods and i am scared to death of having to pick through my hair.... in the past, i have never been to worried since the boys always had their hair so short it was not a big threat in our house hold but, with the long hair in style now and one of my sons has grown his, i worry that he may pick it up and i will not be happy....... with school also starting in 2 weeks, we always have the big scare in the schools as well.... so,my question to you all is...... what have you heard that works well as a preventive method?.
i have heard vinegar and tee tree oil works.??
You could try homeschooling in order to keep them seperate from those lice infested children at the school...
homeschooling that's the way to go... LMAO
Back to School
by John Doe inwell guys, school starts back tomorrow, so you won't have to tolerate as much of me for a while.
i'm going to be quite busy: .
advanced calculus .
Okay okay... so your smarter than me already!
must you go around flaunting it in front of me though? sob sob
Why 'defining evil' is fruitless
by Shining One ini think that terry's answer to his own question about 'defining evil' is incorrect.
you do not even need to define evil when you have an absolute truth to go by.
you can go through a lot of speculation in order to define evil.
Damn. I didn't even want to define evil in the first place!
WBTS Discontinues Publishing Deluxe (Gold Leaf) NWT Bible!?!?
by AMNESIAN inwould some hearty and reliable soul who still attends meetings of jws confirm and elaborate on the letter being read to congregations in the us this week regarding the discontinuing of the publishing and distribution of the "deluxe" nwt bible in favor of a "soft cover" version of the same (whatever exactly that means) instead???.
(g_d, have things really come to this???).
Ezekial3 told us about that outstanding decision earlier in the day.
You see it works like this. Produce a paperback version of the bible and it will wear out quicker. Thus ensuring people will buy new bibles more frequently. Oh that greedy WTBTS they are just drooling over the thought of making more money!!
No Jehovah Witnesses !!!
by JH inaround here, in my neighbourhood, there are many apartment buildings, and i remeber as a jw, how many people didn't want to be bothered by us jw's.. so, i took my camera this morning and went around in a few apartment buildings and took pictueres of all kinds of signs on doors, telling witnesses not to knock at their door, and go away !!!.
on this first picture, it's quite polite.
it says in french, no solicitor.
Oh yeah.... When I was a good dubbie girl and saw those signs on the doors, No Trespassing, No peddlars of Religon, No Jehovahs Witnesses yada yada yada I knocked on the doors regardless...
It's bad enough I am out trying to get some hours I don't need to cop abuse for it....!
sings from around the world
by pudd incocktail lounge, norway: .
at a budapest zoo: .
please do not feed the animals.
sings from around the world
I'm singing from around the world... Listen carefully I'm the one who's grossly out of tune!!!!
Pat Robertson in the news again.
by Daunt inhttp://www.cnn.com/2005/us/08/24/robertson.chavez/index.html
this is robertson's explanation for the comments he made the other day.
first he blatantly lied about what he said, then he gives a crap appology.
Pat Robertson is currying favour with the RedNecks again... LOL
Hi Tsunami
From a girls perspective sometimes if posters aren't cared for properly they can get all ripped and curled at the edges. This can look a little tacky. Signs can be cool.
Hey and whats your roomy like? Nice guy?