The CEO of the RSPCA here in Australia called him a modern day Noah. He also stated he is one of the few people who put his money where his mouth is.
I thought that was a really high accolade.,23599,20349888-2,00.html.
crocodile hunter steve irwin dead.
september 04, 2006 02:14pm.
The CEO of the RSPCA here in Australia called him a modern day Noah. He also stated he is one of the few people who put his money where his mouth is.
I thought that was a really high accolade.
'lo darlings.
i'm sixteen-years-old, and raised in 'the truth'.
i've been here before, but i stopped visiting for about a year because some people were quite insistant that there was omg no way i could ever be fifteen (at the time).
Hey ya... Chat was disbanded ages ago. Apparantly it should be back one day but for the meantime its goooone!
16 years old? Good for you pet. Don't let the skeptics get you down. The thing is as well, after being a part of the WTBTS for so long people just revel in the fact that they have freedom to think for themselves (and so they should) and occasionally offend people during the process. OOPS!,23599,20349888-2,00.html.
crocodile hunter steve irwin dead.
september 04, 2006 02:14pm.
Oh he definately lived life on the edge. But he really was genuinally concerned about the welfare of animals. His profits went a lot to the care of them. He helped with Australian tourism too.
I feel sorry for his wife and children that are left behind.,23599,20349888-2,00.html.
crocodile hunter steve irwin dead.
september 04, 2006 02:14pm.
This just in:,23599,20349888-2,00.html
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dead
September 04, 2006 02:14pm
THE Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead.
He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It is understood he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest.
He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that's when it occured.
Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.
Such sad news....
personality types
what kind of personality does the organization attract?
nice, gullible, under educated, naive?
I find that it attracts people with dependency and approval issues.
They can be extremely intelligent people but need someone to tell them what they can or can not do.
Or they are the type that are constantly seeking approval. They need someone to say good job, well done, keep it up. True - there is a lot of feedback in the org quite opposite to this however when it does happen it seems to make them forget all the bad.
My two cents
hey guys...
just wanted to shout out a "hello" to everybody.
i just found this board and am so excited to meet new friends!
From one peaches to another... Welcome!
i have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
Do you have some scriptures to back that up Eduardo???
i have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
Maybe you should get rid of your dog altogether. Its going straight to hell according to this fine article...
Do Pets Go to Heaven?
Dear Pastor,
I am 8-years old and I am so sad now cause my dog, Scruffy is awfully sick. The pet doctor told my mom that Scruffy has only a few weeks to live because he has a bunch of cancers everwhere. The doctor told my mom that I am gonna see Scruffy when I get to heaven, but she told me that my doctor is not saved, so that I will write to you and ask you the real answer about Scruffy because you know.
Pastor, I love Scruffy so much! I have been trying so much every day not to cry, but when I look at his eyes, he is so sad! My poor dog is in so much pain with his cancers. Is Scruffy going to go to Heaven, Pastor? Will I get to see him again?
Timothy Galvin - Age 8
Freehold, Iowa
Dear Timmy,
It always breaks my heart when I have to answer a question like this. I understand your concern, but I won't lie to you. According to the Bible, there will be no animals in heaven except for horses. And those horses, the book of Revelation tells us, will be used solely as a means of transportation. Scripture tells us that horses will sprout wings and be able to fly at high speeds. We'll fly too, Timmy, but the horses will probably fly faster, which is why Jesus is going to keep them around.
As True Christians™, we can only speculate why God doesn't find it necessary to populate heaven with dogs, cats, cows, chickens and other creatures. Most likely it is because we won't need food when we get to Heaven. Using Bible logic, we have to assume that there are going to be a whole mess of folks in Hell and most of them will be Chinese, since they never had the luxury of hearing about Jesus. People in hell will need food to sustain them through an eternity of torture at the hands of the loving God they rejected. As we understand it, Chinese folks love to eat dogs. I'm sorry, Timmy - it is a hard sight to take in, but in a few weeks little Scruffy will be savagely ripped to shreds, as will countless other pooches, at the blood-stained hands of starving, godless Chinamen as they are beaten and sodomized by demons on the desolate shores of the Lake of Fire. My guess is that those shores will be piled high with the rotting, bone-picked carcasses of every household pet there ever was.
I hope this helps.
Your friend and Pastor,
Deacon Fred
i have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
Check out this article...
The watchtower has some good advice on Pets - Keep a Balanced View of Them
Unfortunately you can't move your topic.. hehehe. Its stuck right here!
i have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old.
he is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!!
he dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas.
Were you looking for some scriptual advice on the matter? hehehe you posted this under the Bible heading.