Help me!! I have a heeler/australian shepard mix, male, 10 months old. He is a great dog other than the fact that he digs like crazy!! He dug up 6 trees, several holes in the yard, and all the bark in our landscaped areas. My first dog didn't dig at all so I don't know what to do to get him stop. The internet said to give him bones and toys, but that just encouraged him to dig holes to bury them in. Does anyone have any tips on how to curb his digging????
by mama1119 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Were you looking for some scriptual advice on the matter? hehehe you posted this under the Bible heading.
Oops, I'll fix it!! I never thought to turn to the scriptures for advice on dogs.
Okay, how do I fix it????
Check out this article...
The watchtower has some good advice on Pets - Keep a Balanced View of Them
Unfortunately you can't move your topic.. hehehe. Its stuck right here!
sounds like you need a shock collar... them dogs are pretty smart... wouldn't have to wear it that long... but you would have to be in control constantly (like be with the dog all day, not leave him in the yard by him/herself, while you're at work...)
Maybe you should get rid of your dog altogether. Its going straight to hell according to this fine article...
Do Pets Go to Heaven?
Dear Pastor,
I am 8-years old and I am so sad now cause my dog, Scruffy is awfully sick. The pet doctor told my mom that Scruffy has only a few weeks to live because he has a bunch of cancers everwhere. The doctor told my mom that I am gonna see Scruffy when I get to heaven, but she told me that my doctor is not saved, so that I will write to you and ask you the real answer about Scruffy because you know.
Pastor, I love Scruffy so much! I have been trying so much every day not to cry, but when I look at his eyes, he is so sad! My poor dog is in so much pain with his cancers. Is Scruffy going to go to Heaven, Pastor? Will I get to see him again?
Timothy Galvin - Age 8
Freehold, IowaDear Timmy,
It always breaks my heart when I have to answer a question like this. I understand your concern, but I won't lie to you. According to the Bible, there will be no animals in heaven except for horses. And those horses, the book of Revelation tells us, will be used solely as a means of transportation. Scripture tells us that horses will sprout wings and be able to fly at high speeds. We'll fly too, Timmy, but the horses will probably fly faster, which is why Jesus is going to keep them around.
As True Christians™, we can only speculate why God doesn't find it necessary to populate heaven with dogs, cats, cows, chickens and other creatures. Most likely it is because we won't need food when we get to Heaven. Using Bible logic, we have to assume that there are going to be a whole mess of folks in Hell and most of them will be Chinese, since they never had the luxury of hearing about Jesus. People in hell will need food to sustain them through an eternity of torture at the hands of the loving God they rejected. As we understand it, Chinese folks love to eat dogs. I'm sorry, Timmy - it is a hard sight to take in, but in a few weeks little Scruffy will be savagely ripped to shreds, as will countless other pooches, at the blood-stained hands of starving, godless Chinamen as they are beaten and sodomized by demons on the desolate shores of the Lake of Fire. My guess is that those shores will be piled high with the rotting, bone-picked carcasses of every household pet there ever was.
I hope this helps.
Your friend and Pastor,
Deacon Fred
any behaviour of dogs can be adjusted with training. I don't really recommend the negative reinforcement of the shock collar but it can be effective.)Assuming that the digging is not the product of other problems with the animal like anxiety, frustration, lack of exercise etc., and that your yard is of adequate size for his breed, it may be that this is just a personal quirk or habit of his. You can either try to break him of it with training (including everything from scolding him immediately whenever you see him doing it or begins it, or other methods) but this will take some investment on your part. It may be better just to dig-proof the vital areas by burying a wire mesh, like chicken wire or on of the plastic types, a few inches below landscaped parts and around the base of trees, about 4 inches or so down.
As for the rest of the yard, let him have at it, his digging is good aeration for the soil, just make sure to cover up any tripping hazards he creates.
It may be very helpful to make sure that the dog is getting plenty of exercise, by taking him on long walks EVERY day. If he is tuckered out from exercising he won't have the energy to cause too much damage by digging. Don't just count on the fact that he gets to run around in the yard. His breed is a sheparding dog and they like to work hard and are used to a lot more stimulation and space than other animals. You might also try getting a little trailer or cart that he can pull around on his walk in a harness. This will make him feel very useful and you will be surprised how quickly he won't need to dig. -Eduardo
Do you have some scriptures to back that up Eduardo???
Yeah, Ecclesiastes 7:10